Growing Up 80's

 You Grew up in the 80's if..........


  1. You wanted to be a Goonie.
  2. You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE".
  3. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - SHOT THROUGH THE HEART.
  4. You just sang those words to yourself.
  5. You had big hair and you knew how to use it.
  6. You watched the Pound Puppies.
  7. You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of Belair " ...and can do the "Carlton".
  8. Girls wore biker shorts under their skirts and felt stylishly sexy.
  9. You yearned to be a member of the Baby-sitters club and tried to start a club of your own.
  10. You owned those lil' Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls.
  11. "WOAH " comes from Joey on Blossom.
  12. Two words: Hammer Pants.
  13. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock ".
  14. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars... and "spokey-dokes" or playing cards on your spokes for that incredible sound effect.
  15. You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales ". (Woo ooh!)
  16. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head.
  17. When it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.
  18. You saw the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles " on the big screen... and still know the turtles names.
  19. You made your mom buy one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side.
  20. You played the game "MASH ". (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House)
  21. You wore stonewashed Jordache jean jackets and were proud of it.
  22. L.A. Gear... need I say more.
  23. You remember reading "Tales of a fourth grade nothing " and all the Ramona books.
  24. You ever wore fluorescent clothing. (some of us... head-to-toe)
  25. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off and his cheeks shifted.
  26. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.
  27. You took lunch boxes to school
  28. You still get the urge to say "NOT " after every sentence.
  29. You thought She-ra (Princess of Power!) and He-Man should hookup.
  30. You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you exchanged handmade friendship bracelets.
  31. You ever owned a pair of Jelly-Shoes. (and like #25, probably in neon colors, too)
  32. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept saying "I know you are, but what am I?"
  33. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up"
  34. You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates.
  35. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip and Slide.
  36. You had or attended a birthday party at McDonalds.
  37. You've gone through this nodding your head in agreement.
  38. "Don't worry, be happy"
  39. You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights with high top Reeboks.
  40. You wore socks scrunched down (and sometimes still do...getting yelled at by "younger hip" members of the family)
  41. You remember boom boxes. and walking around with one on your shoulder like you were all that.
  42. You remember watching both "Gremlins" movies.
  43. You know what it meant to say "Care Bear Stare!"
  44. You remember watching "Rainbow Bright" 
  45. You thought Doogie Howser/Samantha Micelli was hot.
  46. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from Melmac.
  47. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool... and don't even flinch when people refer to them as "NKOTB".
  48. Homemade Levi shorts. (the shorter the better)
  49. You remember when mullets were cool!
  50. You had a mullet!
  51. You still sing "We are the World"
  52. You tight rolled your jeans.
  53. You owned a bannana clip.
  54. You remember "Where's the Beef?"
  55. You used to (and probably still do) say "What you talkin' about Willis?"
  56. You're still singing shot through the heart in your head,aren't you!
  57. You remember Don Johnson when he was "cool"
  58. You know who shot J.R
  59. You practice getting in and out of your car through the windows
  60. You owned at least one skinny leather tie.
  61. Your first Walkman weighed 10 pounds and was the size of a brick.
  62. If you can "See Better" with sunglasses that have paint splattered all over the lenses.
  63. You watch NYPD Blue thinking, "Well, they're no Crockett and Tubbs, that's for sure".
  64. "Outrageous!" is the term to describe something neat and cool
  65. You had a poster of Bo, Luke & Daisy Duke
  66. There was nothing to question about Bert n' Ernie living together
  67. The feeling in your thumb is only now just returning after holding down the Atari joystick to control the racecar in Enduro Racer
  68. You remember the magazines of song lyrics
  69. If you think Hulk Hogan is the best wrestler of all time.
  70. If the best non-slasher movie in your opinion is An American Werewolf In London.
  71. Two words: The Clapper.
  72. Six words: "This is your brain on drugs."
  73. You want to live in 'the Valley'.
  74. Ferris Bueller was your idol.
  75. You watched 'Star Search' on a regular basis.
  76. You can sing all the words to "One Night in Bangkok" by Murray Head, and now you understand that it is about chess.
  77. If you had an entire wardrobe of Esprit clothing (or coveted one.)
  78. If you know the words to the "Oscar Mayer" theme songs
  79. Your bangs are teased perfectly to 7 inches above the rest of your hair.
  80. Have multi-colored earrings that touch your shoulders
  81. Played Upwords, Boggle or Trivial Pursuit (the original) on a rainy afternoon
  82. You're still bitter that WHAM broke up
  83. You know whose phone number is 867-5309
  84. You drink Diet Coke because Max Headroom told you to
  85. You can feel St. Elmo's fire burnin' in you.
  86. You have the tendency to turn up the collar of your polo shirts
  87. You never go out for a night on the town without frosted blue eyeshadow and feathered bangs
  88. You still can't believe that Milli Vanilli was deceiving you all that time
  89. You still watch things on Beta tapes
  90. You think David Hasselhoff was awesome in Knight Rider.
  91. You wanted to be "The Hulk" for halloween
  92. A piece of folded paper and two hands could tell your fortune.
  93. Knickers and leg warmers were cool
  94. If you remember Bruce Willis from Moonlighting, not Die Hard
  95. You had ringside seats for Luke and Laura's wedding
  96. You ever had a Dorothy Hammill haircut.
  97. You thought a Commodore 64 was the highest technology available
  98. When you saw luging at the Winter Olympics you poured water down your driveway and tried it yourself.
  99. You want to be "Where Everybody Knows Your Name"
  100. 'A Different World' kicked butt
  101. Remember "Dancin' to a Big Mac at McDonalds!"
  102. You know who played Magnum P.I
  103. One Phrase, "The Plane, The Plane"
  104. You can name at least three members of the Brat Pack
  105. Still wear Wet n' Wild makeup
  106. If your idea of hi-tech toys is still the heat-sensitive color-changing sticker on Transformers
  107. You ever wanted to learn to play "Stairway to Heaven" on the guitar and choreographed "Dancing Queen" by yourself in your room.
  108. You still have a couple of those barettes made of woven ribbons.
  109. You had snap bracelets
  110. You remember when Pee-Wee wasn't a pervert.
  111. You still think Donkey Kong can beat Mario up
  112. If you still have your scratch-n-sniff sticker collection
  113. If you ever used Lee Press-On Nails
  114. If you wear jelly shoes
  115. If you remember when you heard that drinking soda and eating Pop Rocks would make your stomach explode
  116. You still play with that CASIO SK-1 Keyboard
  117. You're still hoping for a New Kids on the Block reunion tour (which may be happening soon)
  118. You still argue over who was better: Tiffany or Debbie Gibson
  119. Every time you hear the "OH YEAH..." song you think of "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
  120. You still watch tapes of Stingray, McGyver, and Airwolf
  121. Leg warmers - need we say more?
  122. Revenge of the Nerds and Fast Times at Ridgemont High were X-rated movies
  123. Madonna was just another female singer
  124. You didn't die from certain physical encounters
  125. STD meant something to do with a car, not something you catch
  126. Crop pants/half-shirts
  127. Day After wasn't a pill - it was a movie
  128. MUSCLE cars (front wheel drive - what was that??)
  129. Vinyl records/cassette tapes/8-tracks (that's pushing it)
  130. Like, anyone have a satin, two-toned zip-up jacket OR Levi's, Calvin Klein & Guess jeans??
  131. CRUISIN on Friday/Saturday nights
  132. Star Wars/The Empire Strikes Back/Return of the Jedi were high tech and you didn't care about Episodes I, II & III (so how many of us went to see them when they came out though??)
  133. Raiders of the Lost Ark - E.T. - Ghostbusters - Alien(s) - Beverly Hills Cop - Rainman
  134. When Arnold Schwarzenegger was an actor?

  1. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF".
  2. You wanted to be a Goonie.
  3. You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE".
  4. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - SHOT THROUGH THE HEART.
  5. You just sang those words to yourself.
  6. You had big hair and you knew how to use it.
  7. You watched the Pound Puppies.
  8. You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of Belair " ...and can do the "Carlton".
  9. Girls wore biker shorts under their skirts and felt stylishly sexy.
  10. You yearned to be a member of the Baby-sitters club and tried to start a club of your own.
  11. You owned those lil' Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls.
  12. "WOAH " comes from Joey on Blossom.
  13. Two words: Hammer Pants.
  14. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock ".
  15. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars... and "spokey-dokes" or playing cards on your spokes for that incredible sound effect.
  16. You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales ". (Woo ooh!)
  17. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head.
  18. When it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.
  19. You saw the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles " on the big screen... and still know the turtles names.
  20. You made your mom buy one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side.
  21. You played the game "MASH ". (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House)
  22. You wore stonewashed Jordache jean jackets and were proud of it.
  23. L.A. Gear... need I say more.
  24. You remember reading "Tales of a fourth grade nothing " and all the Ramona books.
  25. You ever wore fluorescent clothing. (some of us... head-to-toe)
  26. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off and his cheeks shifted.
  27. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.
  28. You took lunch boxes to school
  29. You still get the urge to say "NOT " after every sentence.
  30. You thought She-ra (Princess of Power!) and He-Man should hookup.
  31. You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you exchanged handmade friendship bracelets.
  32. You ever owned a pair of Jelly-Shoes. (and like #25, probably in neon colors, too)
  33. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept saying "I know you are, but what am I?"
  34. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up"
  35. You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates.
  36. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip and Slide.
  37. You had or attended a birthday party at McDonalds.
  38. You've gone through this nodding your head in agreement.
  39. "Don't worry, be happy"
  40. You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights with high top Reeboks.
  41. You wore socks scrunched down (and sometimes still do...getting yelled at by "younger hip" members of the family)
  42. You remember boom boxes. and walking around with one on your shoulder like you were all that.
  43. You remember watching both "Gremlins" movies.
  44. You know what it meant to say "Care Bear Stare!"
  45. You remember watching "Rainbow Bright" 
  46. You thought Doogie Howser/Samantha Micelli was hot.
  47. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from Melmac.
  48. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool... and don't even flinch when people refer to them as "NKOTB".
  49. Homemade Levi shorts. (the shorter the better)
  50. You remember when mullets were cool!
  51. You had a mullet!
  52. You still sing "We are the World"
  53. You tight rolled your jeans.
  54. You owned a bannana clip.
  55. You remember "Where's the Beef?"
  56. You used to (and probably still do) say "What you talkin' about Willis?"
  57. You're still singing shot through the heart in your head,aren't you!
  58. You remember Don Johnson when he was "cool"
  59. You know who shot J.R
  60. You practice getting in and out of your car through the windows
  61. You owned at least one skinny leather tie.
  62. Your first Walkman weighed 10 pounds and was the size of a brick.
  63. If you can "See Better" with sunglasses that have paint splattered all over the lenses.
  64. You watch NYPD Blue thinking, "Well, they're no Crockett and Tubbs, that's for sure".
  65. "Outrageous!" is the term to describe something neat and cool
  66. You had a poster of Bo, Luke & Daisy Duke
  67. There was nothing to question about Bert n' Ernie living together
  68. The feeling in your thumb is only now just returning after holding down the Atari joystick to control the racecar in Enduro Racer
  69. You remember the magazines of song lyrics
  70. If you think Hulk Hogan is the best wrestler of all time.
  71. If the best non-slasher movie in your opinion is An American Werewolf In London.
  72. Two words: The Clapper.
  73. Six words: "This is your brain on drugs."
  74. You want to live in 'the Valley'.
  75. Ferris Bueller was your idol.
  76. You watched 'Star Search' on a regular basis.
  77. You can sing all the words to "One Night in Bangkok" by Murray Head, and now you understand that it is about chess.
  78. If you had an entire wardrobe of Esprit clothing (or coveted one.)
  79. If you know the words to the "Oscar Mayer" theme songs
  80. Your bangs are teased perfectly to 7 inches above the rest of your hair.
  81. Have multi-colored earrings that touch your shoulders
  82. Played Upwords, Boggle or Trivial Pursuit (the original) on a rainy afternoon
  83. You're still bitter that WHAM broke up
  84. You know whose phone number is 867-5309
  85. You drink Diet Coke because Max Headroom told you to
  86. You can feel St. Elmo's fire burnin' in you.
  87. You have the tendency to turn up the collar of your polo shirts
  88. You never go out for a night on the town without frosted blue eyeshadow and feathered bangs
  89. You still can't believe that Milli Vanilli was deceiving you all that time
  90. You still watch things on Beta tapes
  91. You think David Hasselhoff was awesome in Knight Rider.
  92. You wanted to be "The Hulk" for halloween
  93. A piece of folded paper and two hands could tell your fortune.
  94. Knickers and leg warmers were cool
  95. If you remember Bruce Willis from Moonlighting, not Die Hard
  96. You had ringside seats for Luke and Laura's wedding
  97. You ever had a Dorothy Hammill haircut.
  98. You thought a Commodore 64 was the highest technology available
  99. When you saw luging at the Winter Olympics you poured water down your driveway and tried it yourself.
  100. You want to be "Where Everybody Knows Your Name"
  101. 'A Different World' kicked butt
  102. Remember "Dancin' to a Big Mac at McDonalds!"
  103. You know who played Magnum P.I
  104. One Phrase, "The Plane, The Plane"
  105. You can name at least three members of the Brat Pack
  106. Still wear Wet n' Wild makeup
  107. If your idea of hi-tech toys is still the heat-sensitive color-changing sticker on Transformers
  108. You ever wanted to learn to play "Stairway to Heaven" on the guitar and choreographed "Dancing Queen" by yourself in your room.
  109. You still have a couple of those barettes made of woven ribbons.
  110. You had snap bracelets
  111. You remember when Pee-Wee wasn't a pervert.
  112. You still think Donkey Kong can beat Mario up
  113. If you still have your scratch-n-sniff sticker collection
  114. If you ever used Lee Press-On Nails
  115. If you wear jelly shoes
  116. If you remember when you heard that drinking soda and eating Pop Rocks would make your stomach explode
  117. You still play with that CASIO SK-1 Keyboard
  118. You're still hoping for a New Kids on the Block reunion tour (which may be happening soon)
  119. You still argue over who was better: Tiffany or Debbie Gibson
  120. Every time you hear the "OH YEAH..." song you think of "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
  121. You still watch tapes of Stingray, McGyver, and Airwolf
  122. Leg warmers - need we say more?
  123. Revenge of the Nerds and Fast Times at Ridgemont High were X-rated movies
  124. Madonna was just another female singer
  125. You didn't die from certain physical encounters
  126. STD meant something to do with a car, not something you catch
  127. Crop pants/half-shirts
  128. Day After wasn't a pill - it was a movie
  129. MUSCLE cars (front wheel drive - what was that??)
  130. Vinyl records/cassette tapes/8-tracks (that's pushing it)
  131. Like, anyone have a satin, two-toned zip-up jacket OR Levi's, Calvin Klein & Guess jeans??
  132. CRUISIN on Friday/Saturday nights
  133. Star Wars/The Empire Strikes Back/Return of the Jedi were high tech and you didn't care about Episodes I, II & III (so how many of us went to see them when they came out though??)
  134. Raiders of the Lost Ark - E.T. - Ghostbusters - Alien(s) - Beverly Hills Cop - Rainman
  135. When Arnold Schwarzenegger was an actor?

You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF".