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•   Sandy Seymour (Parker)  12/8
•   Neva Puckett (Archey)  12/8
•   Samantha Shull (Hoselton)  8/1
•   Nancy Holley (Latshaw)  2/22
•   Betty McWhorter  2/2
•   Thad Shaffer  2/20
•   Jana Grable (Bushatz)  9/14
•   Billie Freeman  7/24
•   Ginny Harris (Elkins)  6/18
•   Rebecca Straight (Johnson)  3/14
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Florida
1 lives in Illinois
34 live in Ohio
3 live in Tennessee
1 lives in Germany
237 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Pickaway-Ross Joint Vocational Center High Class Of 1993 web site.

This site is currently under construction, but if you would like to add anything, please contact the site administrator at

Hey Everyone!!!  I'm so excited to have found this site!!!  I added everyone's names from our 1993 yearbook, so if there are spelling mistakes let me know, as I took everything directly from the book.  IF YOU WERE NOT IN THE YEARBOOK THEN YOUR NAME MAY NOT BE LISTED, CONTACT ME AND I WILL ADD YOU.  Also, if you know of someone not on the list please let me know that too!!

I obviously do not have everyone's email address and there are some people that I don't even know because we were all in different technologies without the chance to mingle often.  So if you are still in contact with someone we went to school with, please email them and let them know about this site!  I would love to get as many people on here as possible!

As we get more members, I hope to plan some type of get together.  Or if the individual classes want get togethers, you can do that too!!  Now that we finally have a way to reconnect!

As always, this site will be under construction, so check back often!!  If you have any suggestions for the site, contact me and your wish is my command!!  Feel free to add pictures or anything you wish!

Tina (Thomas) Mount - Data Processing