In Memory

Lilian Espinoza (Cerna)

Date Deceased: 11-27-2004
Age at Death: 34
Cause of Death: Cancer (leukemia)
Survived By: Daughter Liza 16 Son Oscar Antonio 8 husband Oscar Cerna

Lili was a wonderful mother and wife.... She love life and a good time with friends and family... She fought leukemia for 18 months she gave it all she had...

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02/28/09 02:00 PM #1    

Andy Aguilar

Lilian was a nice girl in school to me. When she married Oscar she was very happy. I wish I wouldn't have lost touch with them. She will be missed.

03/05/09 10:56 PM #2    

Rene Castro

Lili, will always be one of my best friends, she married one of my best friends Oscar. She is a friend of my whole family she loved talking with my mom. The two of them laughed alot together,probably about me. The awesome times we had! I remember once in Rosarito we only had a few bucks left and we broke our bottle of tequila so we all had to just drink beer. oh the tragedy As Lili would say at Tequila Circus "Ay este guey" The fun times at my father in laws house(also passed in '05) where she met my soon to be wife and the new direction I was going. Lili will always be remebered for her involvement in our community Mecha leader and so forth and actively trying to make lives of others better. She was an amazing and beautiful person to all who knew her. The Espinosa Family are still very much active in the community, her sister Lucy has always fought for peoples rights, and health concerns. Lili my friend is very deeply missed.

04/01/09 10:24 AM #3    

Carlos Murillo

Lili was awesome - I sure regret not keeping in touch with both her and Oscar. Really happy to have touched base with Oscar - glad his children are keeping him going. Soo sorry for the loss - As she loved life and gave it hall she has, it is now GODS turn to have Lili inject that up in heaven, while keeping an eye on her family from above.

04/08/09 08:38 PM #4    

Maria "Pilar" Gutierrez (Nelson)

OMG! I loged on and did not know that this had happen. Lili and I were friends in school and had dance class together as well as all of these other stupid classes that I know now were somewhat helpful. I knew Oscar from a previous school and it was great to see that they had gotten married. I spoke to Lili once and then I lost touch. She was a great person and always laughed at the stupid things I would do. My heart pains me to know that she has left us and that she left her beloved ones.

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