In Memory

Nancy Oliver

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09/10/22 08:41 PM #1    

Roxy (Lisa) Yanik (Schaefer)

Nancy was a dear friend and a wonderful asset to the cheerleading squad. I always remember her as being quirky, funny, and beautiful. One of my fondest memories is being pulled over by the police for speeding in my 2 door Datsun 510, white with a hideous brown panel on both sides, stuffed with what I can remember as being most of the cheerleading squad, trying to make it in time for an appointment we were clearly late to. Nancy poked her sweet face out the window and deplored to the policeman in only a way that Nancy could, to not make the ticket too large, nor take too long as we were late for getting our yearbook cheerleading pictures taken. It worked! I'm saddened to know she has passed. She'll always have a place in my heart.

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