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•   William Woodworth  5/2
•   Mark Paxton  2/13
•   Gary Thomas  10/29
•   William Morrison  10/31
•   Tim Casteel  10/25
•   Bj Northon  8/14
•   Paul McClain  7/8
•   Elaine Rasak (Lake)  6/28
•   Karl Randall  6/18
•   Tom Moline  6/17
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•   Allen Isaac  10/6
•   Tim Prout (Class Of 1970)  10/10
•   William Woodworth  10/13
•   Eric House  10/14
•   Ron Cobb  10/18
•   Sally Kushmaul (Humphrey)  10/18
•   Mary Robison (Funnell)  10/19


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 57.0%

A:   69   Joined
B:   52   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the website for Clare High Class Of 1969.  Alumni from CHS class of '69 can utilize this site to keep informed of updates regarding upcoming events and browse around and check out the pictures and reconnect with classmates.  So please create a profile under "Classmate Profiles" and have fun!  
 Please Scroll Down for Announcements!


Hello Everyone, I hope you are all staying healthy!  I have posted the pictures that I had from my camera, if you have some to post let me know and I can add them.  The pictures are not in any type of order and I don't have them all captioned as that would take me forever on my phone, but will look to do this later on down the road.

they are located on the side labeled 40th 50th Class Reunion Pics

Take care Classmates!!  Peace!


The 40th Class Reunion picture page is password protected, please encourage missing classmates that you keep in touch with to sign up to the website (pictures cannot be viewed without a password)!! 


Class Reunion Committee




Instructions to view 40th Class Reunion pictures - Click on the 40th class reunion tab to your left (under classmate profiles) click on the pictures and a slideshow will begin.   

 Truly great friends are hard to find,
difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."

~ G. Randolf

PRIVACY NOTICE:  All contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address) entered into this website will be kept confidential.  It will not be shared or distributed.  Your contact information is private: your street address, e-mail address, and phone number cannot be seen by the classmates unless you grant permission on your Profile. When someone clicks on your name, the only contact information they will see is your city and state and whatever information about yourself you choose to put on your Profile. Unless you explicitly grant your permission, your email address is not visible, although an email can be sent to you using the contact box at the bottom of your Profile page. Note, however, if you send a message to someone through their Profile page, the Classmate will see your email address so that they can respond.

