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•   Noel Kaiser  6/30
•   Linda Lam  6/29
•   Steven Ramirez  7/2
•   Andrew Wenrick  3/5
•   Christopher Hood  10/4
•   Jack Myers  11/19
•   Matthew Jacovides  10/26
•   David Tarin  4/20
•   Stacie Boehm (Marden)  10/11
•   Amy Solwick (Klingele)  6/9
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2 live in Arizona
95 live in California
4 live in Colorado
1 lives in Florida
2 live in Idaho
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Montana
2 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Jersey
2 live in North Carolina
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5 live in Oregon
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5 live in Washington
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321 location unknown
4 are deceased


•   Heather Cathcart (Steinbrecher)  9/20
•   Julie Williams  9/20
•   Michelle Wright (Forrest)  9/20
•   Mindy Wright (Rice)  9/20
•   Gracye Reed  9/22
•   Ana Chacon  9/23
•   Chris Thoits  9/23
•   Karri Backer  9/25


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Claremont High School
Class Of 1989

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July 4 Festivities!
Don't forget to find the CHS Alumni Society Booth on the 4th of July at Memorial Park in Claremont. Come meet classmates, faculty & alumni from all classes. Get your free alumni button, meet more CHSers and walk with us in the parade.
 We need some friendly CHS faces to staff the Alumni booth - it's the BEST place to meet & greet all alumni! Contact Peggy Miller to sign up for a 2-hour shift.
Looking forward to seeing you!

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Hello Everyone,
It was great to see all of you at the reunion! I had a great time reconnecting with many of you, hearing your stories and just seeing the familiar faces of those I didn't get to speak to. It really was too short! See you in ten more!

Christopher Robin Hood

Hey my fellow CHS peeps, I just read in the Courier this past week that Pearl, the proctor,passed away at age 88, i think. The details of how/why weren't listed. But who else remembers her being loving and sweet while being gently reprimanded for ditching (or whatever!)? RIP Pearl. I've got nothing but positive memories...
her service was held may 4th
