In Memory


In Memory of 

Yubong Jim Lee who unexpectantly passed away in April of 2020. He is survived by his wife, a son who is in high school and a daughter named Mai-Li Lee who is a rising senior at Boston University. Yubong Jim Lee was the eldest of four. He spent most nights after school helping run his immigrant parent's local Chinese restaurant. He was the first in his family to attend college and went to Ohio State as a civil engineering major. He then went on to work for Raytheon and Electric boat, both located in New England. He was an amazing husband and father. He was a pretty quiet person in high school, kept to himself, and always lived by the motto "friendship is about quality, not quantity." 

If anyone on here remembers him, and can in turn share their memories of him with his family, they would be very appreciative. It would especially mean the most to his son to hear stories of his dad when he was his age. 

Click here to see Yubong Jim's last Profile entry.
