In Memory

Matt E. Brenizer


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06/15/11 07:56 PM #1    

Lee Knox (Knox)

   I remember Matt as a shy, quiet and reserved guy from Jr. High through High School. He had a deep passion for wrestling and pound for pound he was quiet successful at it. My condolences to the Brenizer family.

06/17/11 10:34 PM #2    

Raymond L. Waldron

Matt was always a buddy. Met him in elementary school at Oxford -all the way through Heights.

Might not talk with him for months or even years. But when I did it was just like old times. My heart and prayers to brother James and the rest of the family.

Ray Waldron

07/23/11 09:41 PM #3    

Jeanne M. Poduska (Poduska)

I remember the day the Brenizers moved to Roanoke Rd.  Elementary school onwards, Matt had a swagger, a smile, and always took the time to say hello and to engage.  A trait of the whole family.  

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