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 Welcome to the Company E-2 (Rebel-E) website for the Classes of 1972 - 2014. We can add more classes if we need to, but we had to start somewhere.  



Many thanks to Ken Studebaker '80, E-2 Commanding Officer 1979-80, for taking the initiative to reconnect former E-2 members.  It was from his efforts that the idea for this website was developed.

Let us state up front, that we do not want to detract from the "Official" Company E-2 website provided by the Corps of Cadets (http://e-2.aggiecorps.org/), but rather, our intent is to offer a site where each former and current member of Company E-2 can create a personal profile and keep it updated over the years.  A site where we can all share stories, contact old buddies, and stay in better touch with each other in the years to come.

Here is a current video from Company E-2!  Thanks to them for keeping the E-2 spirit alive!

Company E-2 Rebels from Company E2 on Vimeo.

With the proliferation of social networking sites, we established this private site for Company E-2 members only.  You can only access the site by having a profile and you can only have a profile that has been established by one of the administrators after verifying your affiliation with Company E-2.

We can always use additional content to enhance the site, so if you have some pictures, documents, momentos, etc., please email them to the current E-2 Site Administrator at motley.twins@verizon.net and we will try to get them loaded on the site as soon as possible. 

If there is anyone that would be interested in having Administrator priviledges to assist with maintaining this site, please include your request and contact information in your email.

Thanks in advance for your support and we'll look forward to reconnecting with all of our E-2 buddies!