Plan To Attend!
Posted Saturday, June 11, 2011 08:02 AM

Hi all!

Your Reunion Planning Committee is very excited about getting our classmates together. But we're a bit concerned: not very many people have sent in their money to reserve a place for our Saturday (August 6) Reunion Party at The Medallion Center

PRICE: $50 per person paying in advance; $60 if paying at door. Checks should be sent to Libby (Rollins) Gober  @ 318 Linsbury Circle, Columbia, SC  29210. Checks can be made out to SVHS Reunion.

And don't forget: we've planned an informal drop-in on Friday, August 5, beginning at 6 pm – until.  We'll be in the Hospitality Room @ Holiday Inn Express (7329 Garner's Ferry Road, Columbia, SC 29209). We'll have snacks and cash bar. Holiday Inn Express is also offering a special rate to those looking for accommodations: Queen room $95.00 per night King room $89.00 per night Call 803-695-1111 for reservations: mention Spring Valley Class of '71 to receive this rate.


Hopefully you have checked out the list of our classmates on the "Classmates Profiles" page. You will see that we have a very small percentage of our alums who have signed in to our website. IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE who has not logged on to our SVHS website, PLEASE contact them and encourage them to join us!

Looking forward to seeing you reunion weekend!

Karen (Bergeson) Deas