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•   Garry Henderson  8/27
•   Tina Pearson (Dunlop)  3/14
•   Pamela Fulghum (Frank)  3/11
•   Robert Orr  12/3
•   Mitzi Meyer (Norton)  5/8
•   Jim Lightsey  1/11
•   Cathy Wise (Dukes)  9/24
•   Lori McLean  9/24
•   Patty Harris (Fernandez)  9/23
•   Tim Purdy  9/21
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in Arizona
2 live in Colorado
5 live in Florida
76 live in Georgia
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Mississippi
1 lives in New Mexico
2 live in North Carolina
1 lives in South Carolina
2 live in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
1 lives in Washington
203 location unknown
5 are deceased


•   Andy Nazworth  9/18
•   Michael Holder  9/20
•   Alan Fambrough  9/27
•   Lisa McLeod (Davis)  9/28
•   Kim King (Boss)  10/1
•   Michael Waschak  10/4
•   Lee Ament  10/13


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 35.4%

A:   111   Joined
B:   203   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Heritage High School
Class Of 1981

HHS Homecoming FOOTBALL game is Friday, 9/23.  We'd like to go as a group.  Let us know (via email) if you think you would like to attend as a group of alums!!! 

More details re game next week!

30th Reunion Celebration

September 24th, 2011

at the Pavillion in Olde Towne Conyers

7pm 'till 11(ish)pm

(afterparty a short away at the Whistle Post in Olde Town, if you just can't part with eachother!)

This is an outdoor event under a secure pavillion

For a view of the venue, click this link!\

You may now purchase tickets to the event. $45 ea 9/15-9/23.  we may have to charge $50 ea event day, 9/24. PLEASE let us know for sure if you are coming...we based our numbers on who said they were coming orginally. :-)  Once you pay via Paypal or send a check, your name will go on the paper tickets are being issued or sent.




  • This is a BYOB event.  But there IS a system.  We WILL provide basic non-alcoholic choices for attendees; Coke/Ginger Ale/OJ/Grapefruit/Cranberry/Diet Coke.  We will provide BASIC mixers (see above list)/cups/ice.  We will provide NO alcoholic beverages.  PLEASE note you will bring your own beer/wine/other and check it in at the bar with the bartenders.  Your 'contraband' will receive a #.  You will receive a corresponding # on a wrist band.  When you need a drink, you simply go to the bar, show your number, and your bartender will pour your desired poison...simple as that!  If you are not drinking alcohol, you will also use the bar to access the non-alcoholic beverage of your choice.
  • Dress Code.  We have a 'loose' theme Island Elegance (a marriage of the two fav choices of the survey).  It's an outdoors and comfortable venue, but hopefully we'll have it dressed up simple and elegant.  Dress cocktail/semi-formal/semi casual, however you want to look at it!  September is a relatively cool evening month, but we'll have fans to keep the air flowing.
  • Overnight Accomodations (see links below).  Some folks are staying at the Holiday Inn Express or LaQuinta Inn nearby.  There is no block of rooms at this time.  If you are drinking and do not have a designated driver, get a hotel room, share cabs!!!
  • After Party.  We must adhere to the neighborhood noise ordinance, so the party ends at 11:30.  I bet you'll find many attendees hoofing it over to The Whistle Post (or whippin' post, as Scott likes to call it) for dancing and partying if you are just not ready to leave your pals. 
  • Entry into Event.  Enter the party via the main street entrance.  That's where you will recieve your wrist band to enter the event, and the one that matches your ALCOHOL.  No wristband, no party!
  • Parking.  There is parking all over Olde Towne Conyers.  Just remember where you left your car and note any signs of any restricted lots.

Hotels:  Holiday Inn Express (1st choice!) and LaQuinta

What have we forgotten?  Whado you need to know? 

Email us!

  Go to the CLASSMATE PROFILES page and register or update your information.  If you do not yet find your name on the list it's 'cause we have not yet finished entering all our classmate's names.  In that case select the CONTACT US link and send us your email address.  We'll get back with you as quickly as we can.

Most importantly, pass this site information along via Facebook, Twitter, and good old word of mouth so we can locate and include as many classmates as possible.  There are NO fromal invites going out.  Except for Facebook and Twitter, we are NOT seeking out classmates.  Take it upon yourself to contact classmates who you know/have contact with and notice have NOT resgistered on this site.  This is where we need YOUR help in helping build a successful, well, attended event!