Emma Sue Sherwood Jinkerson

Profile Updated: August 5, 2009
Emma Sue Sherwood
Residing In: Hillsboro, MO USA
Spouse/Partner: Allen Jinkerson
Occupation: Retired business education teacher/counselor
Children: Twins Anna and Arron who will be 27 (how can that be?!!!) on September 30. They are what I am proudest More…of in my life!

Anna is working on her masters degree in public policy at The University of Missouri/St. Louis. She is the district field representative for Congressman Russ Carnahan and worked as a consultant for Women for Obama. It gave me the opportunity to travel with her to Chicago and meet many impressive, forward thinkers!

Aaron has been married for a little over a year to Sarah (a lovely St. Louis county "city girl.") They took advantage of the tax rebate and built a new home in Wentzville and moved in last week.

They teach in a small town, Warrenton--Sarah (bless her heart) is a high school English teacher and Aaron teaches sixth grade science and coaches football.
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion



It is difficult to answer this in the space allowed--condensed version would be--graduated from Lambuth College in 1972--taught a couple of years in the Boot and then moved here to teach business education at a high school of about 1,200--met and eventually fell in love with Allen--got married in Vegas--was blessed with the twins a few years later--returned to school and earned my masters degree in counseling with a high school guidance emphasis--was a high school counselor eighteen years--(this is a boring read but my "reality show has been an adventure")--retired one year ago after 31 years as a professional educator--and have been adjusting without my beloved Daddy who died the day after I retired--my precious Mom is spending time here--my husband Allen who is rcovering from ankle replacement surgery and has been in a wheel chair since March--he says that "we have already survived the through better and worse vow" and are now working on "in sickness and in health"--basically I am blessed with a tremendous support group of friends who have given me the gift of unconditional love--and Tyler, our Bishon Puppy pet who just turned three and has brought us the gift of laughter--I could go on and on but bet some of you are snoozing at this point!!!

School Story:

My special memories of Cooter High School are overshadowed by painful ones--finding a note written by a "friend" making fun of my fat legs and other comments from classmates about my weight.

However, as a high school counselor I turned these stories into "teachable moments"--lectures and skits, etc. (don' worry just like Hollywood I changed the names of the classmates)--letting them understand that I was bullied also made them understand that if "Mrs. J., my counselor, survived high school, they could also!"

Thanks to prayers and a few "true friends" high school was bearable -- although I am anxious about seeing some of you again, my plans are to come to the reunion and just like I have taught my high school students--face my fear and embrace the moment! Looking forward to making new memories October 3.

This is the fifth time that I have written my profile--like me it is not perfect but it is time to press send and worry about something else!
