55 Year Reunion Info


     W B Ray High School
Class Of 1959


To all of our classmates with CORRECT email addresses

We are working on a 55 year reunion.  We hope you want to and also can attend this reunion.  The biggest draw is the ability to visit with classmates and rekindle some memories.  It was once said that you can not go back in timeand live, but we sure can visit our friends and peers. 

We have lost several classmates since the last reunion and many of us have some degree of health problems.  This could very well be the last reunion we can put together so contact your friends especially those classmates without emails and get the word out.

It will be scheduled in October 2014 from the 24th to the 26th.  Since most attendees enjoyed the last one at the Emerald Beach,  we are working a deal with them.  They are no longer a Holiday Inn. Ralph Underbrink and others are making iindividual contacts.  Most of the classmates contacted are very positive about attending.


The reunion will take place here in Corpus Christi and was the largest reunion the class of 1959 has ever had in attendance.  The event schedule areas will be based on the number of planned attendees and the individual cost will also be based on a count.   There were about 20 first timers for our 50 year  reunion, and we also had a few from other classes including Carroll high school.    Yes, a few of us were a little hard to recognize but pictures and nametags on our badges with larger letters helped a little.  And we all meshed together very well.  This was the most dancing some of us had done in a while.  We had lost several classmates since that last reunion in 2009. 

We hope to put many on our web site in the near futureWe will also work on providing a electronic list of our known addresses and emails in either a PDF or an Excel file.  A pdf file can be viewed or printed off but not updated while an excel file can be updated if you have excel on your computer.

The site will remain if you continue to use it and update your info as it changes.  if no updating starts to happen, the site will go away.  Get your friends and fellow classmates without a pc to get one and join us.

Those of you that were able to attend know how much fun we had.  Those that were unable to attend missed a good time and also missed seeing your classmates.  We were full to capacity both nights.


A email will be sent to those that have good email addresses as we get closer to finalizing as well as posted on the website.



Coke Wilson