In Memory

Leslie (TaTa) Smith

Leslie (TaTa) Smith

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07/12/17 09:31 AM #1    

Glen Barnes

My first crush! Way before high school! So sad to see many of my classmates gone! ( 

07/25/17 07:16 PM #2    

Denise Barron (Lindsey)

Loved TaTa.... Always a hoot of fun!!!  Her and Dottie Frisbe almost made it to Hawaii to visit me.  I wish I could have seen her before she passed :-(


08/04/17 11:26 AM #3    

Dorothea Frisbie (Frisbie)

I first saw Leslie (Ta Ta)  at Sierra Visa when I was 12. A friend asked me if I had seen the tiny girl with long white hair.  She was very pretty and shy.  Leslie used to be so small that she had to drive with a pillow on the drivers seat of her Mustang. She was pulled over more than once for looking like a child driving down the street. She was very talented with arts and crafts and was happiest working at the Botanical Gardens in Georgia. She was very happy living in Georgia with a creek passing through her back yard. She was great at gardening. 

She was a good mother to her two children Shaeleen and James. Later Leslie moved to Washington and I think she missed California. Moved back down to San Clemente to take care of her parents and I believe she was happy to be near the ocean. She was a nice and loving person. 

Ta loved animals. I remember she was taking care of some animals for her boyfriend's family who were on vacation. They had chickens amonst other animals and a coyote got a few of them. She was so upset and felt like she had to replace them. She came to my house asking for help finding some new chickens. I asked how are we suppose to do that? She had a plan. She drove up to Glendora Drive Thru Dairy where thay had a large pen of animlas in front. She asked the boys who worked there if we could have two of their chickens. They said if you can catch them and opened the pen. Once we entered we were mobbed by goats nipping at our clothes and geese honking and surrounding us. We moved deeper into the pen when I noticed a very large ostrich charging straight for us, I said "Run Ta!" This ostrich was aggressive and chased  us up all the way to the gate which was locked up. They boys who worked there were laughing knowing what would happen. We flew over the fence to safety. We never got the chickens.

You are missed by many. 

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