Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Tom Allin
Keith Andestad
Charles Bacon
Ron Becker
Julie Beebe
Darlene Benson (Wood)
Valerie Bilcik
Ken Braconnier
Janice Brummond
Sandra Buckman
Donna Bullock (Amas)
Jewel Bullock
Bill Chadwick
Cecil Chernoff
Alan Clement
Debbie Cote
Bonnie Crawford
Dan Domke
Rick Dunlop
Brian Dutoff
Pauline Edwards
Philip Edwards
Ron Elder
Sandra Fisher
Valerie Fleet
Nadine Forsch (Reiner)
Darryl Fraser
Gerry Gartland
Diane Gauthier
Ross Gerard
Andrew Healey
Linda Holliston
Patricia Hubl (Fisher)
Leslie Husband
Robert Husband
Kathy Huscroft
Jennifer Hutzkal
Cecile Ignatius
John Iwaniuk
Dale Jackson
Kim Johansen
Lawrence Kolthammer
Linda Krainc
Rob Leadbetter
Marsha Lucas
Debbie MacLeod
Jackie Matvenko
Dwayne Mayer
Ryan McCready
Ian McKinnon
Randy Meyer
Doug Mitchell
Karen Moman
Tom Olenczuk
Carl Olsson
Keith Ostendorf
Fred Ott
Harold Peltzer
Kevin Petovello
Sharon Planiden
Darlyne Reekie (Pasin)
Anita Reid
Doug Rennich
Stephen Rieberger
Shelley Schmidt
Lanis Shannon
Cathy Shukin
David Sikora
Erwin Smith
Debbie Stasiuk
Kevin Storm
Tom Tarzwell
Sheila Tedford
Brian Thachik
Debbie Tholl
Keith Thomson
Terry Timchishen
Kelly Toland
Vernon Tompke
Grant Truscott
Jeanette Uri
Jim Vigne
Karen Ward
Mike Wasylyk
Cindy Webster
Carey Weiberg
Bruce Wellspring
Kathy White
Lane Yezovich
Daryl Zerr
Theresa Zerr
