Special Friends

  These people have become special friends of our class.  We all know the first three as our Principal, our English teacher and class advisor and our music teacher and friend that attended our 40th reunion.

The rest are schoolmates that were with the Class of 66 and have shared their time with us at our latest reunion or were interested in doing so.  These are their email addresses and several of their phone numbers.

 Joseph Lawler                  jjlonthecape@comcast.net

Margaret Montgomery      peggydm@rcn.com                 212 986-6938

Gil Freeman                      gibfree@aol.com

John Sfondrini                  edgenet@snet.net

Ginger Etzold (Jones)       treehouse1007@gmail.com    570 686-7470

Jerri Hicks                         jerrigriffin@ge.com

Steven Lent                      Stephen.Lent@docs.state.ny.us

Charles "Chach" Benda   hmcmret27@att.net

Nina Fuller                        ninafuller@roadrunner.com  

Pam Fuller (Nina's Sister) deceased 1970    

Ed Clark                           clarke@cilia.org

Maryanne Fogle (Denton) madbear97@aol.com

Karen Moore                     KLMoore1@optonline.net

Nancy Ward (Niven)   Class of "66"     ncnan54@aol.com


