Jonathan Turk

Profile Updated: August 11, 2009
Residing In: Washington, DC USA
Occupation: Trustbuster
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion



After my illustrious high school career I went to Purdue to study film, hated it and joined Americorps, a government community service group and ran around the Southeast US doing community service projects. After that I worked for Habitat for Humanity, finished college, moved to Washington, DC and now am a paralegal at the Department of Justice doing competition analysis. Not sure what to do with the rest of my life but hope to make it an adventure.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone who makes it to the reunion. It seems like such a bizarre social experiment/right of passage: Spend many of the formative years of your life with a large group of people, then don't talk to most of them for 10 years, then see what they're up to. I think its going to be great! Take care and hope to see you soon!

School Story:

I think my favorite memory from high school was my last day of school. I graduated in December so it really didn't feel like graduation time. At lunch I was sitting at a table and suddenly at the table next to me a couple of underclassmen girls got in a knockdown, drag-out brawl. I thought to myself, "I'll miss this."