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•   Stephanie Saturday (Mcculloch)  6/17
•   Kelly Aimers (Vassilev)  9/8
•   Michael Odle  9/7
•   Megan Underwood (McGinnis)  9/6
•   Jana Jeannides (Linthicum)  9/5
•   David Wolf  6/25
•   Robin Bender (O'Reilly)  6/24
•   Lori Milnes (Milnes)  3/16
•   Eric Weaver  10/29
•   Ilario Bello  9/25
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1 lives in Alabama
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3 live in Washington
6 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in France
2 live in Germany
1 lives in Switzerland
1 lives in United Kingdom
56 location unknown


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Welcome to the Crystal Lake South High Class Of 1993 web site.

Check Facebook for details, a 30 year reunion is planned for the homecoming game 9/22/2023!

Morgan Speechly Kaiser wrote:
Well...CLS homecoming is the weekend of September 22. Seems like the perfect time for a not so fancy 30th reunion.
🏈Football game is Friday @ 7:00 for anyone interested.
🍻For lack of planning, anyone that wants to go to the Cottage let's do that Saturday Sept. 23rd , 7:00. (There will be no room reserved, no food ,no open bar, just come by to see some OLD classmates!)
Pass it along to whoever would be interested!