Linda Reilly

Profile Updated: July 14, 2016
Residing In: Hammondsport, NY USA
Spouse/Partner: Jim Barrows
Occupation: Stylist and Artist
Children? 0
Yes! Attending Reunion
Do you have grandchildren?


What states/Countries have you lived in since graduation?


Have you served in the US Military?


Cool things you have done since graduation?

Moved to Hammondsport."Coolest Small town in America".Loved every minute since!

Interesting Travel? Where

Carribean Cruises.Mid West ,Cancun Mexico,Asheville NC,Watchhill RI,Indian Rocks Beach Fla (every winter) Vegas,

Where would you most like to travel?


How old do you feel?

20-90 depending on the day!haha

Do you have pets? Names? what kind? How old?

16 year old Lhasa Opso named Minnie.She was a stray .We've been through a lot together!!!

Share some words of wisdom with your classmates

Have fun it's later than you think!
