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•   April Mallory  1/9
•   Melissa Gard (Mastroianni)  3/4
•   LaChelle Trammell (Jackson)  12/27
•   Isaac Watras  12/3
•   Monica Addison (Henderson)  3/18
•   Tony Turner  7/28
•   Keith Sutton  7/26
•   Adrian Dungey  5/5
•   Tawana Senter  12/8
•   Erica Harvey (Lewis)  7/26
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 Colonel White Class of 1989



Meet and Greet-@ Club 88.

The Cook Out.

To see more pix please go to the Reunion pix tab.















A Moment In Time"

 Colonel White H.S. Class of 1989

20th Reunion August 7-9








Reunion meeting December 27 2008








Contest –  We have extended the challenge until February 28.    We challenge everyone to come up with a title or theme for our reunion.  Dig deep down in your creative minds and come up with something and during the meeting we will pick the best title or theme.  The person with the best one will receive a $25 gift card from American Express!

Crown Plaza Dayton Ohio

Mr. President







Welcome to the Colonel White High school class Of 1989 website. Yes, it’s time to celebrate 20 years since we turned our tassels and tossed our caps in the air to signify our graduation from Colonel White High School. We want to plan an exciting event and hope that you can join us to meet up with old friends, acquaintances, rivals, girlfriends, boyfriends, strangers and people you only nodded to in the hallways.

We are looking for all of our fellow classmates to help with the planning process for next year.  Please pass this website to others and lets get connected and plan for OUR 20th REUNION!!!!!





Hi Everyone. Well I'm still march around with the cadets of Thurgood Marshall (Formerly; Colonel White High). We are a lot smaller unit but our record of success has been fantastic. The cadet corp has earned over 400 trophies since the first one that the battalion won in 1989. You all should feel proud of the legacy that you all started that year. You all should be proud that the cadets who followed did well. We have had two cadets to attend the Air Force Academy and one to attend West Point. We are the State of Ohio, Governor's Honor Guard, and have been for the last 6 years. The cadets were responsible for the move of the entire school to the new school, and they did it well. We grew to be a regiment of over 300 cadets. We are now a smaller unit of only 60 cadets. But, good can come from small units. It is great to see so many of you so successful. It make us proud to know that your legacy lives on through these young cougars. My challenge to each and everyone of you is to start the ball rolling to embrace this new school for in their hearts, these are future courgars worthy of your support. We need to have the alums take on the task of becoming the financial support system for the future of your school, for, though the name changed, the spirit did not, the heart did not, and you can not kill spirit if you have a true heart.

Maj. Graves






























































"A Moment In Time"




Colonel White H.S.

Class of 1989 
















Jimmy Wilson  9/20
Irvin Dewberry  9/27
Matthew Mason  10/2
Melissa Miracle  10/2
RaChaun Martin  10/6
Adrian Dungey  10/10
Diane Batey  10/13
