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•   Tim Donofrio  9/15
•   Jean Kearns (Whitaker)  8/22
•   Nancy Berg (Menningen)  9/3
•   Pamela (Gail) Noble (Phillips)  9/1
•   Ruth Burkhardt (Foss)  8/31
•   Tina Diorio (Field)  6/2
•   Tom Severski  2/4
•   Dennis Livesay (Livesay)  12/11
•   Kathy Hedgecoth (Kenley)  3/15
•   Catherine Mills (Seifer)  5/25
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6 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
3 live in California
2 live in Connecticut
11 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
4 live in Indiana
4 live in Kentucky
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5 live in Michigan
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182 live in Ohio
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3 live in South Carolina
6 live in Tennessee
8 live in Texas
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1 lives in Australia
125 location unknown


•   Jean Kearns (Whitaker)  9/20
•   Norma Jean Kearns (Whitaker)  9/20
•   Greg Paquette  9/27
•   Bev Wright (Palmer)  10/1
•   Pamela (Gail) Noble (Phillips)  10/6
•   Cathy Aleshire (Summerfield)  10/7
•   Karen Westwood (Pollitt)  10/7


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The 40-year is now in the rear-view mirror.  Several classmates and guests enjoyed a retreat-style setting at Hueston Woods State Park on Septermber 26-27, 2014. Can you believe it’s been 40 years since the Best Class Ever walk out of the hallowed halls of Stebbins High School???

We want to extend our gratitude to Hueston Woods personnel for working with us in making this entire weekend a memorable event.  They have been very accommodating and helpful in all of the preparations of events. It was the intent of committee to put together a program that would be memorable, yet be as conscientious of expenses as possible. To this end, we had several classmates who offered sponsorships to help offset these necessary costs.  We would like to recognize those individuals and show our appreciation for their financial support:

Gil & Phyllis Van Over

Jim Ellis

Debbie Sassor (Strickland) 

Bob Thomson

Lige Buell

Peggy Sherman (Wirt)

Other contributions and donations of time and energy (and a lot of it!!) were expended by the committee. The following individuals were instrumental in coordinating these events:

Jim Ellis

Bev (Wright) & Danny Palmer

Lisa (Roseberry) & Rick Chance

Karen (Westwood) Pollitt

Ron Wukeson

Deb (Strickland) Sasser

It has truly been a privilege to work with these people, and through it, we have rekindled friendships and acquaintances that started in our youth, and these friendships will last a lifetime.

Bob Thomson