In Memory

Bonnie Richardson VIEW PROFILE

The Class of 59 extends its condolences and prayers to the family and friends  of Bonnie Richardson upon her passing.

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02/16/23 11:07 AM #1    

Douglas Ann Thrasher (Livingston . )

So very sorry to hear of Bonnies passing.I remember her as a very friendly person and was blessed to have her as a classmate and friend.may God give her family His perfect peace during this time of grief


02/17/23 09:40 AM #2    

Sam Timberlake

I remember the New Years Eve getogethers at Bonnie's folks place in Mooresville,. "across the river".

Bonnie.s Mom, Fannie, always had the traditional blackeyed peas, hog jowl and cornbread out on the table to celebrate the coming New Year. This was a holdover from the end of the War between the States, when there was nothing  much left in the family  storehouse to eat but these basic staples, since the Yankee raids took most everything else that the family had left to subsist on!. 

Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it!

Sammy Timberlake

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