Memory of Classmates

R.I.P Lawrence Sweet November 14, 1972-January 19, 2010


"Time Passes By"
Dreams drift away like leaves on the water.They roll down the river and slip out of sight.Too many times we do what we ought.Put off 'til tomorrow what we'd really rather do tonight,And later realize:
Time passes by, people pass on.

At the drop of a tear, they're gone.
Let's do what we dare, do what we like,
And love while we're here before time passes by.
Thoughts are like pennies we keep in our pockets.
They're never worth nothing 'til we give them away.
But love's like a promise in an un-opened letter,
Where nights full of pleasure seldom see the light of day,
When life gets in the way.
Time passes by, people pass on.

At the drop of a tear, they're gone.
Let's do what we dare, do what we like,
And love while we're here before time passes by.
"Time Passes By", © 1990, Polygram.

Memories Build a Special Bridge

Our memories build a special bridge
when friends have to part
to help us feel we're with them still
and sooth a grieving heart.
Our memories span the years we shared,
preserving ties that bind,
They build a special bridge of love
and bring us peace of mind.






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