In Memory

Michelle Grizzard - Class Of 1979


     Osborn High School
Classes of 1976 1977 1978 & 1979

Deceased Classmate: Michelle Grizzard (1979)
Date Deceased: 1985
Age at Death:
Cause of Death: Murder/Homicide
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04/28/09 10:26 PM #1    

Cheryl Gilliard (1978)

This is one of the hardest things that I had to endure in my lifetime. Michelle was the sister that I never had. When my family moved to Detroit she was the first person I became friends with (because we lived across the street from each other). I remember as a child the single line telephone. She and I would play hangman on the telephone everyday. Carl (my brother) would yell to my mother "They are playing hangman again" Ma, make her get off the phone. We would also wake up early before school, she would come over to play our daily game of jacks. In high school we would ________. Sorry that went to her grave. After high school, all she wanted to do was work for RJ Reynolds she got that job and was working on getting her own place when someone decided they had the right to take her life. Michelle will always hold a place in my life. Michelle you are missed. You left here way to EARLY.
Your Friend,
Cheryl Gilliard

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