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Issac Eugene Hinton

Issac Eugene Hinton
Residing In: Burns, TN USA
Military Service: Army  
What did you do right after high school?

Hello, My name is Isaac, some of you may know me as Eugene back in school, which was my middle name thus for the reason I go by Isaac today. I've traveled and seen many things over the last 25 years. Words couldn't explain all, So in brief, I'm going to tell you alittle bit about myself. I entered the U.S Army in '85 for a six and half year stint. Worked as a Combat communications oper. Made a 18hr journey from Germany, to the far east during the Gulf War crisis. Relieved myself of military duties and joined a top notch Security firm in Germany, were I lived 3/4 of the 25yrs since leaving high school. Learned alittle German and am now trying to keep it sharp since my return back here state side 6yrs ago. Was accepted to work with T.S.A before deciding that I needed less stress in my life now. So, I Currently work in a wire producing field. A big 360dgree from Security. Like the job I do now but, still playing the Lottery!
