Missing Classmates

If your name appears below it is because we don't have an email or mailing address for you. We will not share this publicly with anyone (it stays with the administrators only). Please provide the information - and if you decide to share it (provides you the option) it stays ONLY within these pages - it is not posted publicly.

Monica Allaire (McMahon)
James Anderson
Deborah Baker
Lleldan Baker
Richard Baker
Gino Bastianelli
Heather Batchelder (Bigus)
Pamela Bateman
Roxanne Bateman (Bartman)
Robert Belanger
Penny Bickford (Stevens)
Susan Bowen
Brian Bozak
Leona Brochu
Scott Brown
May "Grace" Brown "White"
Jeffrey Brownell
Karen Bubar (Hillsgrove)
Randy Butler
Tom Callan
Amy Campbell
Scott Card
Charles Carville
Deborah Cassidy
John Clark
Brian Codding
Sandra Cole
Gary Comisky
Mary Ellen Cooper (Purgiel)
Mary Correia
Peter Coyman
John Davis
Tammy DeLaurier (Knight)
Susan Demers
Tina Demers
Bonnie Devereaux
Dawn Dodge
Scott Doughty
Jeane Downs
Warren Dunphy
Jim Dunton
Steven Edgecomb
Stephanie Ekola
Bonnie Eldredge (Hatch)
Erich Elliott
Scott Ellis
Dana Ellsmore
Patricia Estes
Jeff Faist
Jeffery Fenerty
Nancy Fernald (Reese)
Cynthia Finn
Doug Fitzgerald
Ellen Fitzmaurice
Deborah Forbes
Heidi Freeman
Jerome Freeman
Karen French (Belanger)
Kim Gillis
Carol Gitschier
Susan Grimes (Johnson)
Albert Grondin
Tamara Grondin
Tammy Grover
Cynthia Haley
Marybeth Haller
Daniel Hanson
Raymond Hennessey
Steven Heyliger
Ralph Hicks
Elizabeth Hodil
Keith Howard
Shawn Irving
Scott Jewell
Brian Jobin
Kathleen Jock
Miteri Kawano
Linda Knepp (Duff)
Lori Ann Lamoureux
Kevin Larochelle
James Leary
Bernie Lebs
Kevin Lowell
Scott Lozier
Donna Lucas
Ed Macaione
Robert Marshall
Kimberly Martins
Stephanie Maynard
Linda Mayrand
Lynda McAdam
Rick McCabe
Gina McConnell (Hicklin)
John McDaniel
Michele McKenna (Hanson)
Mark Meatty
Diane Melanson (Aakjer)
Rolanda Mercier
Kelli Meserve
Michelle Meserve (Mitropoulos)
Mark Messenger
Wayne Minnon
Chris Moore
Debbie Moreau
Paul Moreau
Steve Moreau
Ross Moxley
Brian Murphy
Jack Myers
Craig Needham
William Neenan
Ann Nelson
John Nye
Clark Olden
Janice Paquette
Patty Peck
William Pilcher
Janet Pinsince (Burnham)
Jerry Plante
Ronald Plante
Keith Plaza
Danielle Poligni
George Polychronopoulos
Laura Poulin
Bill Purpura
Debra Raiche
Donald Ransom
Thomas Ratay
Steve Richardson
Lisa Richmond
Jack "Louis" Rossi
Jim Rowe
Tom Russell
Geoff Safford
Doug Sandman
Paul Scarponi
David Seaver
Rick Seawards
Kim Sesin (Brooker)
Cathy Smith
Kris Sorenson (Geuther)
David Sousa
Robynne Spina
John St. Yves
La-Rae Strawbridge
Robert Studebaker
Terri Talon
Bob Therrien
Denise Therrien
Gina Thibedeau
Clay Thomson
Ellen Thorne (Forget)
Ann Thorpe
Paul Thorpe
Art Turcotte
Greg Tuttle
Mary Urbanowicz
Joseph Veilleux
Lori Vieira
Larry Walsh
Jim Warden
Sally Weaver
Tom Weaver
David Welch
Keri Wentworth
Robert Wentworth
Lisa Westrick
Brian Yeaton
Charlene Zerbinopoulos
