Missing Classmates

Please help us find these people! The list is less than 95, which is great! That means over 70% of our class has been contacted regarding this website (even if they have not registered) and the 20 year reunion...less than 2 months to go! If you have any way of contacting any of these classmates please do so and let us know by sending an email to me (Kelli) or "Contact Us"

I know many names listed as "missing" are in Dubuque and I have seen them around town, but not since this webpage was started.

Thank You for your continued help and support!

Dan Avenarius
Reece Betcher
Tonya Blackwell
Travis Brownell
Shelley Busch
Tricia Buss
Carrie Carpenter
Shaft Carriere
Nathan Chapman
Sean Collins
Patrick Connolly
Scott Digman
Christine Erthum
Catherine Ewert
Michael Fishnick
Vicki Fondell
Steven Freese
Scott Frommelt
Dean Goedken
William Graves
Robert Gray
Tim Heacock
Brian Heim
Brian Hemesath
Sharon Hitzler
Tricia Hohmann
Mark Hoppman
Ronald Jones
Kathleen Kane
Jim Kean
Tracy Kelley
Brian Kleiner
Jay Kruse
Adam Latham
Mike Link
Jeremy Lopez
Bobby Lyons
Timothy Lyons
Tammy Madigan
Violet Manders
Cal McCarthy
Wayne McDermott
Chris Miller
Chris M. Miller
Piroz Mohseni
Laure Moore
Jose Nazario
William Neville
Heather Nicholson
Brian Oliver
Forrest Parsons
Charles Polkinghorn
Christy Puccio (Link)
Glenda Reed
Michelle Reidel
Brent Reimer
Carrie Rienert
Lynne Roberts
Craig Roth
Stephen Roth
Ramona Routley
Tonia Runde
Brenda Schuster
Agnes Scott
Tom Travis
Thomas Tschudi
John Wagner
Michelle Wall
Yvan Wastiaux
Sharon Welch
Jennifer Wickham
Scott Winter
Todd Woodward
Mickie Yager
