Please take some time to fill out this survey so we can gain some general ideas of which direction planning should go.  Please re-answer question #5 there has been a change to the options.  Instead of a Saturday cookout, we are asking about a Sunday cookout.  Please check back periodically for more surveys after events.

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Are you interested in a class reunion?

Yes No
2)   How likely is it that you will attend the DHS Class of '95 15 year Class Reunion in 2010

Yes No
3)   How many days do you think the reunion should be?

4)   Which month do you think would be the best month for the reunion to be held?

5)   What type of activities would you like to see at the class reunion?(Check all that may apply. Cash Bar at each venue when appropriate.)

  Friday Evening Get Together (Meet and Greet Ice Breaker)
  Saturday Night Reunion Dinner/Party
  Sunday Church
  Sunday Family Day Lunch (Cook-Out Only)
  Sunday Church and Cook-Out
6)   Where would you like for the reunion to be held?

  Chapel Hill
7)   Would you be attending alone or with a guest?

  With Guest?
8)   How much would you pay for a ticket to the reunion that included food and activities?

9)   Would you be interested in a class directory?

  Yes, with address, phone # and email
  Yes, with phone # and email only
  Yes with Email only
  Would you like just your name only included in the directory?
10)   Any other suggestions?

