Grade School


Grade School Years

We are Older Than Dirt.
Do You Remember??

Blackjack chewing gum
Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water
Candy Cigarettes
Soda Pop machines that dispensed bottle
Home milk delivery in glass bottles with
cardboard stoppers
Party lines
Newsreels before the movie
Howdy Doody
Roller skate keys
Cork popguns
Using hand signals for cars without turn signals
Pant leg clips for bicycles
Penny candy from the store
Simon Says
Red light, Green light
Wax lips and mustaches
Paper chains at Christmas
The smell of Paste
Being tired from playin'
Running till you were out of breath
When they threatened to keep kids back a grade if they failed.......and did!
When the worst thing you could do in school was
flunk a test or chew gum
This could go on forever and I know you all remember.




Patsy hated story problems:
This is a funny one!

If your riding uphill in a canoe, and your wheel
falls off---How many pancakes does it take
to fit in a doghouse???

Story Problems were dandy's if you had
a learning disability!! Duh
Some of us had them, but it was called
"Not Paying Attention"

Can you find yourself???
Picture below looks like we just got off a boat.





Mrs. Robinson's class. Grade 3, 1951.
Can you find yourself???
My we were cute!!