30 Year Reunion Survey

It's been five years since we last got together.  Let's play catch-up and also get some ideas for the movie about our lives?

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1)   Aside from being 5 years older, what have been the biggest personal changes for you since the 25 year reunion?

  I got married
  I got divorced
  I got married and divorced
  I became a parent
  I became a grandparent
2)   If I could sum up the last five years in one word, it would be:

  Good (but not great)
  Messed Up (okay, sometimes you need two words)
3)   Dyersville is well-known for a famous movie site. If you had a chance to make a movie about your life, which of the following sites would be an absolute must for filming flashback scenes from the years you spent growing up in the area (1970's-1980's):

  Cardinal Drive-In
  Good Ole BHS
  Rooney's Parking Lot
  Dyersville Pool (after hours)
  Hentges Hardware
  Any gravel road
4)   The movie script is written but we need to cast the actor who will play you. The obvious choice is:

  Molly Ringwald
  Tom Cruise
  Helen Hunt
  Kevin Klein
  Tina Fey
  Matthew McConaughey
  Jennifer Aniston
  Pee Wee Herman
5)   The soundtrack to the movie about your life would have to have at least one song from the following band/artist:

  Rolling Stones
  The Doors
  Cyndi Lauper
  The Police