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•   Kaye Robbins (Senn)  8/12
•   Douglas S Klein  6/1
•   Mark Bugher  5/30
•   Roger Mueller (MHS67)  3/31
•   Catherine Dresden (McCann)  3/27
•   Dorothy Watts (Russell)  3/24
•   Rodney Thompson  3/20
•   Dennis Gunderson  3/17
•   Linda Mikesell (Blakesley)  3/7
•   Pamela L Spratt (Lee)  3/6
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 64.8%

A:   273   Joined
B:   148   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


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Memorial High School
Class Of 1966

Welcome to the Memorial High Class Of 1966 web site

This web site is intended to be a place where classmates can connect with each other and keep updated on reunion plans

There is NO CHARGE to register on this site

Click on Classmate Profile

find your name on the list

click on it and follow the instructions to create your profile

don't leave any field empty, fill in all information

Please check back often to update your information, especially if you move or change your email, add pictures, post your thoughts, concerns, joys, & any comments about this site or upcoming events.


Mike Reetz, I continue to marvel at your mission to memorialize each and every classmate we lose. I’m not sure what your work history was but your job in retirement to put closure in each classmate loss is to be commended.




Thank you for embracing the "Spirit of Giving"

Due to your generous gifting, together we accomplished our goal of $5000 to "Giving Back to the Community"!

Because we met that goal, we are able to give a significant donation to three recipients!


$2000 will go to:

The Masonic Angel Fund of Eau Claire helps all the schools with children and their families who are in need of assistance and don't qualify for programs in the district. (glasses, tutoring,clothing, footwear, medical appointments, sports fees, etc.)


$2000 will go to :

The Good Neighbor Project also helps children and their families who might fall between the cracks and get left behind in the classroom.  All their needs are considered as well, for a healthy opportunity to learn focusing on low income families in need.


$1000 will go to :

Lakeshore Elementary School, the largest elementary school and most diverse, whose students will attend Memorial High, also need help with any kind of assistance for better learning.


We will be encouraging the Memorial class of '67 to continue "The Spirit of Giving" that you all embraced, and hope that all future OldAbe50th reunions will keep the "spirit" alive and give back to the community that gave all of us so much when we were growing up in Eau Claire!


Thank you all again , "Old Abes" , hope to see you in 5 years!

Chris, Cleone & Mike


Did you hear about Eau Claire ranking #9 for the drunkest city?

I, personally, am not proud of that poll.

Now, the latest poll has ranked Eau Claire as the least stressed city!

I wonder if there is any connection with the first ranking?!!

Just a FYI in case you are asked about this!

Eau Claire is also known as the music capitol of the midwest!

Now , there is something i can take pride in!