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In an effort to ensure that our less-fortunate classmates are able to attend, please consider a donation. Thank you!


•   Scott Hurth  7/31
•   Kelly Barrows (France)  8/5
•   Andy Hurlburt  8/1
•   Joseph Dery (Dery)  7/28
•   Jeff Schultz***  7/26
•   Josh Svejcar  7/25
•   Theodora Mouzakis  7/25
•   Megan Johnson (Roe)  7/23
•   Brooke Riechers (Welch)  7/22
•   Nicole Phippen (Beaulieu)  7/21
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in California
2 live in Colorado
12 live in Florida
1 lives in Hawaii
5 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
3 live in Michigan
36 live in Minnesota
5 live in North Carolina
1 lives in North Dakota
1 lives in Oklahoma
2 live in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
3 live in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
2 live in Washington
214 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Croatia
44 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

North High School
Class of 1998

Welcome Eau Claire North High School Class of 1998!

Please join us for the 25th Eau Claire North High School Class of 1998 Reunion!  Please click on the "25th Class Reunion" link on the left hand side of this page to register for the event.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone!

Furthermore, if you would like to make a donation to help cover the costs for some of our less-fortunate classmates, we have created a "Donation" page (link is on the left hand side of this page).  Any amount would be great appreciated!


This website and reunion are for everyone who attended Eau Claire North High School (Class of '98), whether you graduated with us or ended up graduating at a different school in 1998. 

Please register for the site to view all of its contents and check-back often, as we will continue to update information. Registering for the site will also allow you to update your name, address, phone number, email address, etc.

We have a limited time left to gather everyone we can find and we need your help. After signing up, please review the "Missing Classmates" section to help us identify those individuals whom we have been unable to reach (either due to missing or incomplete contact information).  We are missing information on those individuals who have a "*" denoted after their last names.  Please help us by either emailing us their contact info (through the "Contact Us"  page) or by reaching out to them and passing along the website's address.

We have also created a Class Survey.  Please feel free to take a few minutes to tell us a little about yourself and reminisce.

If you have any questions, concerns, or if you would like additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at any time.


NHS Class of 1998 Class Reunion Committee

Laura Fiore (Gunderson), Clint Markin, Emily Nicolai (LaVelle), Nicole Owen (Woodford), Josh Svejcar, Trisha Yates (Jorgenson)
