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Welcome to the El Cajon Valley High Class Of 1995 web site.

Please find your name, and update your profile accordingly. As you get the chance, circulate this link to all the C/O 95 Alumni.

I want you to know that until you click your name and create a profile, there is no information about your profile data.

When you choose to sign up - a verification process will start, and yes, it will require some type of contact that I can personally reach you at to confirm its you.

This part is essential in ensuring both your privacy and security are preserved.

We are lucky to be meeting soon for our 15th year reunion, so to keep the spirit moving I already created a link that will host all the photos you want to share thereafter.

With keeping in touch and proper planning - we will get all things order for our 20th without a hitch.


Hala Mansour, M.Ed.