NEW Reunion Survey

The following survey is intended to gather your input on our 20th High School Reunion.  Please answer each question so that we may plan a reunion that everyone will enjoy.

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Where would you like the reunion to be held?

  At Oak Hill (gym or cafeteria)
  At one of our classmates homes
  At a local restaurant or banquet facility
  Outdoors at an area lake/pavillion
2)   * What part of the year would you like the reunion to be held?

3)   * How long would you like the reunion to last?

  A few hours on a Saturday evening
  All day on a Saturday (noon - until)
  Friday evening through Sunday afternoon
  Friday evening with our families, Saturday evening adults only
4)   * What type of get-together would you prefer?

  $ - Bring a covered dish, chip in to pay for drinks, plates, etc.
  $$ - Meet at a local restaurant and go dutch (each person pays for themselves)
  $$$ - Pay in advance to gather at a restaurant for a preselected menu/buffet type meal
  $$$$ - Pay in advance to have a catered event at a banquet facility
5)   * Do you have pictures (copies) you would be willing to share so a slideshow could be made?

Yes No
