Reunion Committee Stories



Your Reunion Committee is hoping that each of you will write up your "Story" - what you have been doing since we left Principia College 49 or 50 years ago.  We each did this before we attended a Retreat on campus last June to start planning for our Reunion.  It was a wonderful way to catch up with those we had known well and to learn about those we didn't!  Having these stories quickly reconnected us to one another and brought an instant sense of comaraderie for our two days together.  The stories were each so unique and engaging and became the basis for many deeper discussions once we all gathered on campus.  We didn't have to start with basic questions with one another.  We could go straight to "Why did you end up choosing to live in a tent in the desert for a 10 years?"  Or "So what motivated you to adopt 6 children and move to the tropics?" 

We so enjoyed reading about one another prior to our retreat that we wanted to do the same with all of you, our classmates, whether you plan to return to campus or not (and we certainly hope you WILL come back and join us for a few days June 27 to July 1, 2018!).  The issue became - how to get this information to you once we gathered it!  Thus this website where we can post a PDF copy of our Story document so that each of you can download it to your computer and read on.  To get you started in writing yours, we have included ours here. Just click the link below and our 35 pages of scintillating reading will download to your computer for - if not enlightening - at least perhaps a few minutes of entertaining reading. 

Then, as our recent letter to you indicated, we would love for you to send your Story back to us at We will put them together by class and in alphabetical order and hopefully by early May, we will post the PDF document right here for you to read.  

You might also notice that there is a tab for Lost Classmates. If you know how to contact anyone on that list, please let us know or get in touch and have them contact us. We are so looking forward to seeing each one of you at our Reunion in June!  Until then, we send our love and our hope that you will be with us!

Here is the link to the Story document for our Reunion Committee members:  /000/9/0/1/35109/userfiles/file/Committee%20Stories%2001-28-18.pdf