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W. T. Woodson High School
Class Of 1964


Welcome to the Woodson High Class Of 1964  web site.  

This site is by and for the class alumni.   Please help our efforts by signing up here and updating your contact information.  While you're here, renew memories of your years at Woodson and catch up on what your fellow alumni have been doing over the last 50 years.  Contact any classmates you can and encourage them to join the site.   Also, please help us find more of our alumni and improve our contact information:  Send us any information you can on classmates who have not logged on or have not registered for the reunion.  We hope to hear from everyone in the class and hope all of you will stay in touch.  

Best wishes.

Paul Bittenbender


Thank you. pb

PS:  Check out the PHOTO GALLERY and the CLASSMATE PROFILES links.  Start a MESSAGE FORUM thread to catch us up on what you're up to, reminisce, etc.  pb

***Ensure that you get our emails by putting in your WHITELIST, ADDRESS BOOKCONTACTS,  SAFE SENDER'S LIST, or equivalent list in your email account.***  

Cindy Carr Kelly, Site Administrator


Here is a video made in celebration of Woodson's 50th Anniversary:

Much has changed, and much remains the same.





Our class gift to Woodson was dedicated November 7, 2014, to commemorate the 50th year since our graduation.  Through the hard work of several people on the committee and at the suggestion of Jeff Yost, Woodson's former principal, a plaque which displays pictures of Mr. Woodson and the previous principals of Woodson was designed and produced.  The plaque now hangs on the wall of the school's auditorium - the same auditorim that we sat in as students. Paul Bittenbender's description of the plaque is below.


The gift  is a 4' x 4' redwood plaque that includes 5” x 7” photographs with engraved nameplates of the school’s namesake, Mr. Woodson, and the eight principals in Woodson’s history.  There are three blank spots for future principals.  It also features  the school seal and our class name.     Thank you for your generous donations which made this lasting gift a reality.

Thank you, Paul


The pictures below were shared by Marilyn Hicks Fitzgerald.



Paul Bittenbender, Joan Hitchcock, Judi Booker, Marilyn Hicks Fitzgerald and Karsten Rothenberg at the dedication.











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