In Memory

Brenda Mundell (Tayor)

Brenda Mundell (Tayor)

Deceased Classmate: Brenda Mundell (Tayor)
Date Deceased: 2000
Age at Death: 47
Cause of Death: Affixiation in Her Vehicle (Her family suspected foul play).
Classmate City: Spanish Lake

I, along with her family and other close friends, were devestated to learn of Brenda's passing...Brenda was a very close friend to me; a wonderful, generous and caring person, with a great sense of humor! She was my Matron of Honor in my Wedding. We had much in common, as both of our husbands were in the we related well, understanding the difficulties and worries of being an Army Wife, both raising our small children...during the terrible Vietnam War! I was so sad to learn that she lost her life due to a very disturbing and tragic situation! I hope to reach Tom (her ex-husband, who told me quite a bit of info. about 10 yrs ago. as to what happened).

Linda Dill

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07/30/10 02:28 PM #1    

Vicky Hawkins (Swederska)

I graduated early with Brenda.  There were 12 in our graduating class of Jan. 1970.  I remember going to her house to study after summer school...we had to take English in summer school in order to have the required English credits to graduate.  At that time she had two small children and I always admired her for finishing school while raising children at the same time.

Vicky Hawkins Swederska

02/07/11 03:17 PM #2    

Linda Dill (Sahl)

Brenda was a loyal and faithful of my best friends and served as my Matron of Honor, in my wedding. We had many good times with her two little girls and her family, at her house and quite often at Ponticello's, while her husband Tom was away, in the Army, as my fiance' was. We often kept one another's moral up, while we missed our "Army Guys", who were far away, at the time. I'll always miss her and keep our good memories, close to my heart! God rest your soul, Brenda, we miss you!

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