In Memory

Debbie Overstreet VIEW PROFILE

Debbie Overstreet

 Debbie passed away in the summer of 1970.

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04/29/10 08:08 PM #1    

Holly Hildebrand (Hildebrand)

Debbie Overstreet had strawberry blonde hair and was smart and funny. She sat behind me in junior-year French and made me laugh. She played the clarinet in the school orchestra and won a National Merit Scholarship. She didn't get to use it. I miss her.

04/30/10 04:03 AM #2    

Bruce Smith

I liked Debbie too, though we didn't have a relationship. My understanding is that she committed suicide, running a car in the garage. Too bad.

05/05/10 10:26 PM #3    

Holly Hildebrand (Hildebrand)

Yes, Bruce, that's true, but I didn't want to write about it.

05/08/10 08:17 AM #4    

Janet Norton (Bettag)

My last memory of Debbie was at Honors and Awards Ceremony when we were standing in line together waiting for the procession to start and chatting about our post-high school plans. We talked about how we felt about leaving high school and how college life would feel so different. I have wished many times that I could go back and rewind the tape and maybe record a different conversation. Debbie was a sweet girl and I respected her intelligence. 

07/28/15 12:06 AM #5    

Karen Vance (Wanner)

Debbie and I were good friends.  She was a sweet kind person and I've always missed her. Debbie, Vivian Cheek and I hung out together.  Her funeral was one of the most difficult. Her favorite song was "Bridge Over Troubled Waters". It was played at her funeral and To this day I can not listen to that song. I also wish I could go back to the day before, when we talked. I tried to cheer her up but obviously I didn't help her.  May she rest in peace.

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