In Memory

Judy Branch

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06/05/10 10:48 PM #1    

Maureen Hulahan (Henigman)

I will never forget Judy.  She died at a very young age I think it was around 27 leaving 2 children and a husband.  She was a very special person and has been missed  by many.

06/27/10 03:26 PM #2    

Deborah (Debi) Canoy (Smelcer)


Judy was a very close friend, I Married her Brother. A great Sister-In-Law too. I will never forget her being turned off life support after a brain Hemorage. Such a shock to us all, Mo was right 27 years old and two Beautiful Children and her sweet Husband Jim Hartzell.                             My Marriage to her Brother ended in a Divorce. She was very understanding after the Divorce and we stayed close friends and we always helped each other with our Children too. Rare Friend and great Mom and Wife! I am still called Aunt Debi by her Children and keep in touch with Dawn my Niece by emails and Visits when she comes to to St. Louis!!

RIP! My Friend, Alway's alive in my heart!!

08/18/10 10:31 PM #3    

Maxine Lavada (Judie) Cooper (Hughes)

The pain of losing a classmate at a early age is so sad that I truely can't even begin to fine the correct words to start off with. Judy, and I shared a locker sometimes, because we had a lot of the same classes or for conveinces, who knows after 40 yrs.  Anyway, her sister and family , lived up the street from my children and family.  What a small world we live in.  The LaRain family.  I will always remember how sweet and cute Judy is in my own memory's of her.  Freinds forever, Judie Cooper(hughes)

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