Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Jodi Armstrong (Walker)
Justin Augst
Jonathan Bell
Addam Botkin
Brian Bright
Gregory Brown
Jesse Carroll
Jason Chandler
Megan Coffey
Brent Cook
Danielle Cook (Woods)
Kristin Cupp
Russel Diehl
Joe Dimeo
Becca Draper
Shane Farren
Donald Fauber
Steven Fauber
Timothy Forbes
Allen Fordham
Chad Garland
Jeff Gillespie
Bryan Glass
Jessica Graves
Bekka Green
Nathan Haney
Heather Hardy
Timmy Howdyshell
Chris Keagy
John Kegley
Christopher Keller
Daniel Knorr
Randi Lee Lawson
Chris Lockwood
Jacob Lovegrove
Jennifer Ludholtz (Bright)
Franklin Marshall
Timmy Marshall
Emily McNett
Amanda Miller (Brewer)
Daniel Miller
David Miller
Mikey Morris
Sarah Murphy
Andrea Nichols
Steven Nimax
Matt O'Brien
Adam Patterson
Rhonda Peale
Jordan Peters
Byron Phillips
Ryan Puffenbarger
Matt Redifer
Zac Rickman
Brian Ripley
Zack Robertson
Shiloh Roby
Christian Ruleman
Tom Russo
Nate Seith
Emily Shifflett
Lisa Showalter
Jennifer Simmons (Malcomb)
Donald Smith
Jessica Smith
Ronald Smith
Mike Sorrels
Courtney Stinnett
Amy Swoope
Jeffrey Thomas
Dusty Throckmorton
Jonathan Toman
Danny Ullrich
Paul VanSant
Chasity Via
Justin Via
Jason Waggy
Michael Weaver
Neal Whitescarver
Darcy Whitten
Derek Williams
Jennifer Wright
Jonathan Yonce
Allison Zeiner
