By Year Deceased Alphabetically

Leo G. Choiniere (Crew of 1949)  
Glen O. Duke (Crew of 1952)  
Roy C. Gosso (Crew of 1958)  
Lloyd L. Kingery (Crew of 1953)  
Robert S. McGaffey, Jr. (Crew of 1949)  
Edward L. Robinson (Crew of 1947)  

Kenneth F. Basye (Crew of 1952)  
Daniel E. Brentzel (Crew of 1952)  
Jerry S. Greenfield (Crew of 1947)  
Edward P. McDevitt (Crew of 1953)  
Seth (Tom) Ranney (Crew of 1947)  

Walter L. Fary (Crew of 1951)  
Frank M. Gonzales (Crew of 1948)  
Raymond R. Krout (Crew of 1945)  
John A. Lawrence (Crew of 1951)  
Lucien W. Martel (Crew of 1948)  
William C. Snyder (Crew of 1952)  
Jack F. Taaffe (Crew of 1952)  
Nicholas A. Varraso (Crew of 1945)  
Alston Wilson (Crew of 1955)  

Alex Baker (Crew of 1953)  
Allan Butler (Crew of 1954)  
Melvin Demchur (Crew of 1951)  
Laurel D. Hook, Jr. (Crew of 1951)  
Lionel E. Joyner, Jr.  
Charles Ragain  
William C. Snyder (Crew of 1968)  
John F. Strathdee (Crew of 1951)  

Robert J. Bell (Crew of 1951)  
Roney Elton Flowers, Jr. (Crew of 1958)  
John Hideg (Crew of 1948)  
Carl L. Kamradt (Crew of 1958)  
Sam F. Lewis  
Vincent F. McAdam (Crew of 1954)  
Kemper B. Riffe (Crew of 1962)  
Vincent J. Ryan (Crew of 1952)  

Maurice W. Battey (Crew of 1951)  
Thomas N. Duhon (Crew of 1950)  
Gordon Harvey Hendricks  
Ralph C. Johnson (Crew of 1965)  
Walter George Kings (Crew of 1955)  
Gerald W. Ladwig (Crew of 1947)  
James C. Lambert  
James David Powell (Crew of 1956)  
Louis H. Schrader (Crew of 1948)  

Carl F. Altz II (Crew of 1952)  
Edward V. Farrell (Crew of 1968)  
Robert J. Gommo (Crew of 1955)  
Sam Hasson (Crew of 1944)  
Phillip A. Horning (Crew of 1950)  
Maurice H. Howe (Crew of 1962)  
Terry V. Johnson  
DeWitt S. Kittle  
Stanley M. Larson  
Robert F. Moss (Crew of 1948)  
Kenneth E. Olsen (Crew of 1948)  
Robert C. Schaudt (Crew of 1951)  

Ed (Luis) Alderman (Crew of 1973)  
Gordon Campbell (Crew of 1945)  
Alonzo A. Casanova (Crew of 1952)  
William C. Dennstaedt (Crew of 1951)  
Frank Fresenberg (Crew of 1951)  
L. Paul Greene (Crew of 1945)  
Joseph A. Haas (Crew of 1952)  
Clyde Harris (Crew of 1950)  
Wendell R. Ivory (Crew of 1944)  
Raymond A. Komoroski (Crew of 1948)  
Frank J. Koshes, Jr. (Crew of 1947)  
Richard E. Lord (Crew of 1949)  
Harry S. Mayfield, Jr. (Crew of 1966)  
David K. Mayo (Crew of 1958)  
James W. O'Neill (Crew of 1945)  
Robert A. Peterson (Crew of 1946)  
James V. Sherrill (Crew of 1951)  

Stanley G. Bartoszek (Crew of 1946)  
Robert J. Bloecker (Crew of 1946)  
Donald S. Champagne (Crew of 1963)  
William L. Coppernoll (Crew of 1947)  
Louis S. Ege (Crew of 1950)  
Charles R. Felsinger (Crew of 1956)  
John A. Gibbons (Crew of 1949)  
Royal K. Joslin (Crew of 1950)  
Herbert W. Krout (Crew of 1945)  
Richard D. Lane (Crew of 1955)  
Frank C. Lawrence (Crew of 1949)  
Edward S. Macomber (Crew of 1944)  
Walter S. McGill (Crew of 1945)  
William S. Nesbit (Crew of 1945)  
Pablo (Paul) Ortiz (Crew of 1950)  
S. Everett Page (Crew of 1948)  
Robert C. Schramm (Crew of 1966)  
Joseph P. Squitieri (Crew of 1948)  
Thomas E. Tirrell (Crew of 1945)  
Lawrence V. (Dick) Tracey (Crew of 1946)  
James Warrington (Crew of 1948)  

Stanley R. Antrim (Crew of 1947)  
Fred J. Barth (Crew of 1950)  
Donald K. Brown (Crew of 1953)  
John P. Cady (Crew of 1952)  
William K. Davenport (Crew of 1945)  
Roy Emery (Crew of 1946)  
R. James Gephart (Crew of 1950)  
Sidney Gross (Crew of 1957)  
Andrew M. Kappadahl (Crew of 1946)  
Peter N. Karangelen (Crew of 1952)  
Ralph L. Kulow (Crew of 1962)  
Richard R. Meek (Crew of 1944)  
Robert Munroe (Crew of 1951)  
William H. Olinger (Crew of 1957)  
Jerry J. Palmer (Crew of 1951)  
Eugene C. Ponsock (Crew of 1962)  
William P. Savio, Jr. (Crew of 1949)  
Evans B. Steele (Crew of 1952)  
Claude T. Tucker (Crew of 1966)  
Harold Vanderlut (Crew of 1948)  
Richard E. Yale (Crew of 1945)  

Charles Brown (Crew of 1962)  
Dwight M. Craig (Crew of 1945)  
Robert C. Doxey (Crew of 1950)  
Richard Evans (Crew of 1944)  
James David L. Grant (Crew of 1947)  
George E. Hosker (Crew of 1952)  
James V. Myler (Crew of 1945)  
Robert H. Newrohr (Crew of 1945)  
Charles T. Sayers (Crew of 1946)  
Burton D. Scott (Crew of 1950)  
Louis J. Stecher (Crew of 1946)  
Joseph H. Wellings (Crew of 1947)  
Joseph D. Williams (Crew of 1946)  
Robert O. Williamson (Crew of 1945)  
Theodore S. Zagorski (Crew of 1956)  

George H. Brush (Crew of 1944)  
Gene E. Hickam (Crew of 1946)  
Harry E. Hunt (Crew of 1945)  
Floyd F. Hutchins (Crew of 1954)  
Anthony J. Jacobs (Crew of 1950)  
Robert Landhauser (Crew of 1947)  
Robert E. Lavelle (Crew of 1945)  
Stuart A. Lee (Crew of 1972)  
Mike Magiske (Crew of 1945)  
Billy E. McDaniel (Crew of 1962)  
Gerald D. O'Brien (Crew of 1950)  
James P. Pullen (Crew of 1949)  
Gary Smythe (Crew of 1945)  
Michael Stefanko (Crew of 1944)  
Robert J. Sweeney (Crew of 1951)  
Joseph V. Sylvia (Crew of 1954)  
Charles R. Weger (Crew of 1951)  
Dallas K. Williams (Crew of 1944)  

Albert B. Bratt (Crew of 1956)  
Terry F. Bredeck (Crew of 1947)  
Thomas G. Cecere (Crew of 1950)  
John R. Chase (Crew of 1951)  
Edward M. Christofferson  
Leon E. Coffey (Crew of 1951)  
James Cozzola (Crew of 1950)  
John R. DuBois (Crew of 1951)  
Gregory A. Flanigan (Crew of 1945)  
David F. Galligan (Crew of 1945)  
William W. Gardner (Crew of 1956)  
Edward L. Kauphusman (Crew of 1948)  
James T. Kelly (Crew of 1947)  
Edward K. Kennedy (Crew of 1945)  
William J. Kierych (Crew of 1950)  
Francis Knowles (Crew of 1950)  
Daniel Kovacs (Crew of 1945)  
Roy L. Leary (Crew of 1948)  
Marvin D. Murphy (Crew of 1957)  
Dorsey Neighbors (Crew of 1950)  
Werner W. Otten (Crew of 1957)  
Richard R. Pignone (Crew of 1945)  
Charles R. Pribyl (Crew of 1971)  
Frank P. (Pappy) Reed (Crew of 1966)  
Robert L. Riha (Crew of 1954)  
Phillip L. Waters (Crew of 1969)  
Michael W. Yaccino (Crew of 1944)  

Paul B. Anderson (Crew of 1951)  
Roger D. Belfert (Crew of 1962)  
Edgar W. Cook (Crew of 1951)  
Emilio R. DiVincenzo (Crew of 1962)  
Thomas L. Fox (Crew of 1944)  
Harold E. Fritz (Crew of 1950)  
James E. George (Crew of 1962)  
John C. Houlihan (Crew of 1946)  
Walter E. Moore (Crew of 1952)  
James D. Paiva (Crew of 1944)  
Raymond F. Perkins (Crew of 1964)  
Morton E. Silver (Crew of 1951)  
Clay J. Toups (Crew of 1952)  
James J. Venezia (Crew of 1951)  
Frederick Warder (Crew of 1951)  
Richard (Dick) Wilson (Crew of 1945)  
Glen R. Wolf (Crew of 1964)  

Richard Bird (Crew of 1950)  
Warren S. Churchey (Crew of 1945)  
Sterling M. Clark (Crew of 1955)  
Keith Cleveland (Crew of 1952)  
Leland E. Coffey (Crew of 1951)  
George J. Davidsen (Crew of 1949)  
Donald Dilley (Crew of 1946)  
Ronn W. Eiss (Crew of 1948)  
Francis G. Futak (Crew of 1945)  
Kenneth L. Hammit (Crew of 1950)  
Walter Herra (Crew of 1947)  
Donald B. Huey (Crew of 1951)  
Billy R. Kirby (Crew of 1953)  
Charles J. Moran (Crew of 1944)  
Carl M. Pasquale (Crew of 1947)  
John L. Richardson (Crew of 1948)  
John G. Steinbis (Crew of 1948)  
Thomas A. Tittsworth (Crew of 1947)  
Gene E. Wappelhorst (Crew of 1951)  
William N. Wyatt (Crew of 1945)  

Charles J. Blair (Crew of 1945)  
Dr. Louis J. Bonin (Crew of 1948)  
Sidney G. Hildreth (Crew of 1950)  
James M. Knecht (Crew of 1948)  
Everett J. (Mac) McCabe (Crew of 1946)  
Robert Miller (Crew of 1961)  
Roscoe L. Pippin (Crew of 1948)  
James W. Riley (Crew of 1950)  
Joseph C. Roper (Crew of 1944)  
Victor Warriner (Crew of 1963)  
John Will (Crew of 1948)  
Francis M. Wimbish (Crew of 1951)  

Joseph Barrett (Crew of 1951)  
Oscar E. Hagberg (Crew of 1952)  
Robert Hamlin (Crew of 1954)  
Elmer R. Jarrett (Crew of 1954)  
Glennus Jones (Crew of 1945)  
Ruffin Joseph Leblanc (Crew of 1945)  
Richard G. L'Hommedieu (Crew of 1945)  
Robert G. Noll (Crew of 1951)  
Kenneth Potvin (Crew of 1945)  
Donald C. Samhat  
Leroy D. Seifert (Crew of 1958)  
Frank J. Signore  

James O. Barker (Crew of 1946)  
John F. Bigelow (Crew of 1969)  
James T. Chapman (Crew of 1947)  
Evan J. Colella (Crew of 1946)  
Joseph J. Duffy (Crew of 1963)  
Ben J. Fisher (Crew of 1952)  
H. H. Hicks (Crew of 1951)  
Patrick L. Higgins (Crew of 1945)  
Paul R. Larsick (Crew of 1957)  
Francis B. Pilliod (Crew of 1948)  
James F. Rigell (Crew of 1950)  
Dale Ruland (Crew of 1948)  
Nelson C. Walton  
Donald H. Williams (Crew of 1953)  

Donald C. Bennett (Crew of 1951)  
Elwood L. Bennett (Crew of 1951)  
Felix J. Crepeau, Jr. (Crew of 1945)  
Salvatore P. Faro (Crew of 1969)  
Nicholas Ghise (Crew of 1945)  
Jack E. Parsons  
Anthony V. Rentauskas (Crew of 1953)  
Luther K. Reynolds (Crew of 1944)  
Herschel E. Robinson  
Edward T. Sullivan (Crew of 1950)  
James Wilson (Crew of 1947)  
Malcolm C. Young (Crew of 1948)  

Gideon M. Boyd (Crew of 1944)  
Paul Canel (Crew of 1944)  
Fred H. Ford (Crew of 1948)  
Lawrence L. Gonzalez (Crew of 1946)  
Kermit G. Graham  
Joseph R. Gydosh (Crew of 1947)  
Curtis Hewitt (Crew of 1946)  
Tommy J. Hunnicutt (Crew of 1948)  
Milton E. Miles (Crew of 1948)  
John G. Moy (Crew of 1948)  
Curtis W. Sell (Crew of 1952)  
Richard W. Townsend (Crew of 1948)  
Donald A. Wise (Crew of 1949)  

Charles R. Edwards (Crew of 1949)  
Jack L. Renney (Crew of 1945)  
Chester S. Soleto (Crew of 1962)  
Gordon Volkman (Crew of 1947)  

Robert F. Adamski (Crew of 1945)  
John Balado (Crew of 1950)  
Freeman (Ray) Bowers, Jr. (Crew of 1962)  
Edwin J. Edghill (Crew of 1951)  
Ray E. Oliver (Crew of 1946)  
Kurt A. Puthe (Crew of 1956)  
Alexander A. Senibaldi (Crew of 1944)  
Warren D. Taylor (Crew of 1951)  

Franklin D. Beers (Crew of 1949)  
D. J. Dauphineas (Crew of 1946)  
William H. Edwards (Crew of 1948)  
Boyd W. Fletcher (Crew of 1951)  
Billy R. Goode (Crew of 1957)  
Carl W. Hendricks (Crew of 1947)  
Irwin M. Lindquist (Crew of 1945)  
Henry S. McNair (Crew of 1946)  
Dana Parent (Crew of 1949)  
James H. Scott (Crew of 1956)  
John J. Walters (Crew of 1946)  

Robert F. Barnstien (Crew of 1949)  
Patrick Fenerty  
George C. Seay (Crew of 1952)  

Walter Martin (Crew of 1952)  
Paul M. Pedersen (Crew of 1944)  
Robert F. Stombaugh (Crew of 1962)  

James E. Emory (Crew of 1946)  
William P. Gardner (Crew of 1950)  
Theodore R. McGiveron (Crew of 1948)  

Ralph Hendricks (Crew of 1973)  

Chester K. Holmes (Crew of 1945)  

Salvatore C. Argento (Crew of 1956)
John Austin (Crew of 1953)
Jacob D. Behar (Crew of 1946)
John H. Behl (Crew of 1952)
John F. Bench, Jr.
Mark H. Bernardy (Crew of 1946)
Cyril Best (Crew of 1945)
James R. Blum
Douglas E. Bogue (Crew of 1945)
Richard K. Bremer (Crew of 1953)
William Patrick Brothers (Crew of 1951)
Alexander L. Bubniak
Edward R. Butler (Crew of 1947)
Don R. Cable (Crew of 1947)
Bruce J. Callin (Crew of 1952)
Harold R. Case (Crew of 1946)
Donald A. Clark (Crew of 1962)
Alan R. Coleman (Crew of 1953)
Ronald Concannon
Richard L. Connolly (Crew of 1947)
James A. Curran (Crew of 1946)
Donald D. Darr
Richard J. Delparo (Crew of 1974)
John L. Demmons (Crew of 1947)
Paul Denslinger
Joe M. Dillon (Crew of 1952)
Vincent A. DiNova
Howard S. Driggers (Crew of 1951)
Fred Ely
Richard Fairservis
Manford Farr (Crew of 1945)
Kenneth E. Flott (Crew of 1956)
Lanny Flynn
D. R. Force (Crew of 1950)
Wiley O. Gilliland (Crew of 1946)
Jesse Lee Gish (Crew of 1950)
Louis Goldman (Crew of 1951)
Robert J. Gorton
William C. Grace (Crew of 1956)
Lincoln Graham (Crew of 1954)
Donald R. Gregg (Crew of 1967)
Lewis Hafer (Crew of 1946)
Donald J. Halse
Floyd S. Harding (Crew of 1951)
Leland R. Haught (Crew of 1962)
Richard J. Heep (Crew of 1945)
David H. Heller (Crew of 1955)
Carl G. Hickman
Dale Hill (Crew of 1945)
Allen Hobbs (Crew of 1945)
W. Richard Holmes
John P. Houk (Crew of 1950)
George Hudacko (Crew of 1954)
Fred H. Hundley
Vincent Iannaco (Crew of 1962)
William J. Imhoff (Crew of 1946)
Fred Johnson (Crew of 1958)
William H. Johnston (Crew of 1950)
Benjamin Jones, Sr. (Crew of 1966)
Cecil F. Knight (Crew of 1944)
Walter P. Kugler (Crew of 1946)
Michael J. Landini (Crew of 1951)
Thomas E. Landry
Gerald R. Leavitt (Crew of 1950)
Raymond K. Luce (Crew of 1949)
Henry I. Martin
Raymond T. McDonald (Crew of 1946)
Charles McIntosh (Crew of 1949)
Ephraim R. McLean, Jr. (Crew of 1945)
William Mellish (Crew of 1952)
Kenneth Merta (Crew of 1947)
Robert U. Minard (Crew of 1950)
Irwin Mitzelman (Crew of 1950)
Richard Mollica (Crew of 1946)
Robert D. Mullarky (Crew of 1951)
L. K. Mumford (Crew of 1962)
James D. Murphy (Crew of 1948)
Edward F. Myers
Walden M. Nehl (Crew of 1953)
Howard A. Nesper
George E. Nestlerode, Jr. (Crew of 1950)
George Orras (Crew of 1970)
Harold (Skip) Pabst (Crew of 1945)
John Papajohn (Crew of 1945)
Hubert Pauley (Crew of 1951)
Floyd W. Phillips (Crew of 1946)
Mike Pisculli (Crew of 1945)
James A. Rabideau
Bill F. Robbins (Crew of 1949)
Robert Henry Robinson (Crew of 1946)
Nicholas Ruef
Robert H. Sanger (Crew of 1944)
John R. Schrope (Crew of 1955)
Clarence John Schumann (Crew of 1945)
Anton J. Sedivy (Crew of 1945)
Floyd L. Shepard (Crew of 1945)
Alex Shimansky (Crew of 1945)
Peter R. Simmons (Crew of 1947)
Hallie J. Snider (Crew of 1952)
Robert E. Spaulding (Crew of 1945)
Vito Stanley (Crew of 1952)
Frank Startiowski (Crew of 1966)
William Steinbrunn (Crew of 1950)
James D. Sullivan, Jr. (Crew of 1949)
John Surina, Jr. (Crew of 1948)
John Harvey Thomas
Donald R. Timmerman (Crew of 1944)
Walter W. Trainor (Crew of 1972)
James E. Tynes (Crew of 1957)
Gordon A. Uehling (Crew of 1974)
Robert R. Voorhees
James G. Warner (Crew of 1966)
William T. Watkins
Andrew J. Wegryniak, Jr. (Crew of 1945)
James Weldon
John Wellenhofer, Jr. (Crew of 1950)
James E. Wenger (Crew of 1951)
Lawrence V. M. Wickham
James Wiley
Perry M. Wilson (Crew of 1950)
Ira O'Neal Wyatt (Crew of 1963)
Carl A. Ziegenhirt, Jr.

If you are aware of a Shipmate who should be added to this page please let us know.
