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•   Paul Culverwell  9/12
•   Verne B. Bell (1965)  1/4
•   Charles Beltram (1970)  12/27



Who lives where - click links below to find out.

3 live in Texas
1 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing VN Veteran? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Vietnam Veterans Of America Fort Worth Chapter Web Site. We are trying to re-energize this Chapter.

We are finally getting the acknowledgement for our service in Viet Nam!

Because of us, our younger Brothers In Arms are being Thanked and not spit on when they get home!

Thank You!  Tribute To the Military & You!
Click on link below!



We are trying to re-start a Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter here in Fort Worth, Texas.

We meet the Third (3rd) Tuesday of each month.

We meet at the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Post 8235, 5333 White Settlement Road, Fort Worth, Texas 76114.

Please come by and Help Us Help Our Brothers and Sisters in Arms who served in and around Vietnam (1962 thru 1975).

Point of Contact: Charlie Beltram, Phone: 817-480-4435, E-Mail:

Howdy Viet Nam Veterans!  If you would like to join our Web Site, please use the "Contact Us" to the left.  We have to add your name and E-Mail to the site for you.  Then you will be able to sign in and join!  Welcome Aboard!  And glad you have made it back from the Jungles of Viet Nam!

National Call Center for Homeless Veterans:
or 1-877-424-3838

Special Notice: If you are a veteran in emotional crisis and need help RIGHT NOW, call the VA crisis line at 1-800-273-8255, available 24/7, and tell them you are a veteran.  All calls are confidential.


From:  Paul Clever

TWMC, Welcome Home Brother, My name is Paul Clever. I am the son of TSgt Louis J. Clever. My father was lost along with MSgt Wilton Hatton and eight other men on Feb 5 1969 while flying a combat mission in Southern Laos. The mission was classified due to the secure nature of the electronic equipment onboard the EC-47Q aircraft they were flying. The Air Force protected the details of the loss from eveybody including the families of the lost. I have spent my life gathering evidence and vetting details with veterans who served in the same kind of missions and it is believed we have pieced together the details of MSgt Hatton's final mission. I am now seeking to reconnect with the families of the others who were on the aircraft. I know that MSgt Hatton was married at the time of his death, but I do not know if there where any children. Since The Hatton's were living in Fort Worth at the time of the loss I was hoping somebody in your chapter has information regarding the location of any family members. If you could help facilitate an exchange of information with a family member, then I believe there is some closure in what I have learned is to be gained. Another reason I which to reconnect families of this particular loss is docuemnts indicate there was not a "maximum recovery" of remains from the crash site. Records indicate the aircraft crashed nose-down which drove the cockpit underground. The mortuary at Tan Son Nhut AFB in Siagon, RVN felt the pilot and co-pilot were left behind and a second visit was warranted. In spite of the Squadron Commander's protest the AF closed the crash investigation. Until the crash investigation is re-opened JPAC cannot consider returning to the site to dig up the cockpit and recover any remains still there. If this all takes place, then there would be a reinternment at Jefferson Barracks in Saint Louis and I would like all of the families to have an opportuity to attend. As for me: I have already made on trip to Saravane, Laos and plans in in the works to make a second trip in November of this year. Location of the physical crash site should move this process along quickly. Any assistance the members of your chapter could provide would be greatly appreciated. Kind Regards, Paul Clever (901) 286-0833