In Memory

Marko Gerovac

Marko Gerovac

Excerpt from Facebook

On Monday August 19, my dad went to rest in eternal peace with Granny, Grampa, Stevie, and Tommy. For almost two years, he fought an aggressive form of metastatic prostate cancer with every ounce of his being, and by God, did he give it a good fight. His unspoken strength, all the way up to the very end, was unmatched. At 74 years old, he was still working physically demanding demolition work every day of his life, through chemo and radiation treatments, without ever skipping a beat, a fact he was extremely proud of. Dad was an extremely hard worker, resourceful, clever, detail-oriented, inquisitive, “indestructible,” proud of us kids, and absolutely loved his grandkids (7 girls (!) and 1 boy).

But Dad’s most memorable feature, bar none, were his piercing blue eyes. If you’ve ever wondered where the three of us kids get our blue eyes from, it’s Dad. His were so blue it almost seemed impossible for real human eyes to be such a shade!! So thank you Dad for giving me my eyes but also my grit, ingenuity, commitment, perfectionism (I mean, something worth doing is worth doing right), healthy dose of stubbornness, and pride.

Being with a loved one as they pass from cancer is a tricky beast: so many emotional highs and lows. I am grateful we had the time and awareness to have many meaningful conversations that would not have otherwise occurred. I am infinitely grateful and blessed to have my brother and sister; although having our Dad pass was a terrible thing for us to experience together, the uninterrupted time we’ve spent especially this last month has been special: recalling core memories together and making new ones. Speaking of uninterrupted time, that was only possible because of our three absolutely amazing and selfless spouses and my mom, and for that we can never thank you enough. ❤️

I am also extremely grateful to my colleagues who selflessly covered for me last minute during those unpredictable final weeks. I couldn’t ask for a better team to work with.

And with that I will end with the Serenity Prayer, a favorite of my Dad’s and his family:

God grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change

Courage to change the things I can

And wisdom to know the difference

❤️You can rest now. Watch over us and take care Dad ❤️
