Reunion Information


(updated 2/19/2010)



Well, it took us a while, but we have finally set a date and location for our 10 year reunion!  The date is Saturday, May 29th, 2010.  This is Memorial Day weekend.  We picked this weekend to allow people an extra day off work, school, or other responsibilities to attempt to travel back to Fresno for the reunion.


Our reunion will be held at Classic Catering at 625 Fourth Street in Clovis, CA.  This is just west of the intersection of Fourth Street and Clovis Avenue in downtown Clovis.  There will be a full sit down dinner.  Additional information will be posted on the site as details are finalized.


Go to and register if you have not already done so.  To register, click on your name on the “Missing Classmates” page and complete your information.  We recently added a little over 100 names to the list of people that had not previously been added to the class list so if you see a name of someone you know, enter there email address and get the to join so they don’t miss out on this event.


Tickets are $50 per person.  I know this might seem high, but it is about average in comparison to what other classes have charged for their reunions.  To purchase tickets, please go to and click on the “10 Year Reunion” link on the left side of the page.  Complete the information and submit your payment.  We are trying to use the online signups as much as possible in order to eliminate people having to track money, and handle money.  There will be invitations also sent out with directions on how to send in payment information via USPS.  Again, we prefer to use the reunion website as much as possible. 


Please pass this information to all of our classmates as we would like to have as many people there as possible. 
