In Memory

Bill Hartley

Hartley, William Whittin 46, musician, passed away November 25, 2009 after a heart attack. A proud Chicagoan, Bill also lived briefly in Galena and Carbondale. Born to Harry Albert Hartley Jr. and Nancy Katharine Hartley on September 29, 1963, Bill is survived by brothers and sisters, Harry Hartley, Michael Hartley, Kate Eberle, Grayson Hartley, and Brooke Poland, step-parents Lisa Clarke and Richard Eberle, and nieces Sophia and Acacia Hartley. Bill was involved in countless musical projects including seminal Carbondale hardcore band Diet Christ, Flophouse, Tickle Penny, IM3, Lab Report, The Irwin Allen Project, and Pounder. An outspoken critic of the status quo, corporate cynic, passionate atheist, and champion of the underdog, with an often eviscerating wit, Bill kept everyone on their toes and made every encounter interesting. Loyal, caring, and true, Bill went out of his way to help his fellow man. He touched many lives and will be deeply missed.