In Memory

Linda Tice (Simmons) - Class Of 1968

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10/06/18 10:28 PM #1    

Donna Adcock (Binks) (1968)

One of the kindest women I ever knew has gone and will be sorely missed. I was late to have a real friendship with Linda, but she was called one of my Linda's by my family. She was kind and loving to my Grand Daughters who call her the Pretty Linda. When I was at my worst 7+ years ago, she was at my side. She even sang to me when I couldn't speak. All who were considered her friends were lucky. Linda is singing with the angels I'm sure and one of the most loved. God Bless Her, as she was one of the best.

10/07/18 09:15 AM #2    

Freddie Polk (1968)

I am saddened that Linda has left this physical realm, but heartened that she has entered the spiritual realm.  I too did not know her well, but she and my brother Floyd were very good friends.  They chatted regularly and he would relay stories about her, her health, her beautiful soul.  She is missed and remembered in prayer.

10/07/18 03:10 PM #3    

Richard Scarborough (1968)

Linda was everybody’s best friend in high school. 

10/08/18 01:00 PM #4    

Marsha Gayle Johansen (Russell) (1968)

I remember going out to eat on Sunday's after church.  Linda would go with us sometimes and we would sing television theme songs, preferably westerns.  I am glad to hear that she was still singing.  A voice in Heaven, but a silence on Earth.


10/10/18 12:18 PM #5    

Patsy Gregg (Smith) (1968)

Linda and I went to attended church together from the time we were 3 years old.  Our mothers were good friends.  Linda and I even laid the first bricks together for our new children's building at church when we were 6.  She and her whole family have been very special to my family for years.  We are saddened by her passing.  Love you Linda. 

10/10/18 12:25 PM #6    

Linda Sutton (Behrend) (1968)

Ode to Linda


Linda Tice, our childhood and adult friend.  She wore the queen’s sash of Miss Ebullient.  Not many can wear that iridescent emblem of a bubbly, shimmering personality, but for Linda, it was a perfect fit.


Throughout grades 1 to 12, she bounced down the halls.  I don’t think anyone was envious of her, just enjoyed her joy of life, her ebullience.


At our 50th [gulp!] reunion, each of us gets a bite in the butt of mortality.  We don’t recognize each other without the name tag yearbook photo, but if we look into each other’s eyes long enough, we see through the years.  My eyes were usually shaded in shyness for some reason.  We should have looked—and held—each other’s eyes before time stops for us.  And it will.  Mortality has a way of sucking.


As I think of Linda, we were close in alphabetical order, me Linda Sutton, her Linda Tice.  Of all the great things she did, our Miss Ebullience.  I remember her in Mrs. Edwards’ fourth grade class.  That class held many new things: Bertie’s new blue glasses, Janet’s not standing for the Pledge of Allegiance because of her faith, and our new wonderful fountain pens.  We felt really big, moving up from pencils to pens.  Using the fountain pen presented many obstacles that we overcame easily due to our excitement to get to use them.  Ink on our fingers was a badge of honor: we were growing up.  My most distinctive ink memory is Linda’s lips.  As she concentrated on her work, she would put the pen’s nib between her lips, leaving ink stains. 

What wonderful memories.  Now that time has slipped away from Linda faster than it should, our memories become even more indelible.  Remembrance is life.  We all must hold on tightly with both hands to all memories we hold dear.  We love you, Linda.

07/30/19 10:04 AM #7    

Jimmy Green (1968)

I'll never forget the first time I saw Linda in Mrs. Frys 6th grade class...I was impressed with her appearance and demeanor that I actually started making an effort in my study's. Before that I wasn't that all impressed with the inconvience of getting an education. But that was the day I turned it around. The Last time I saw Linda was early 70's when she was working at a bank in Passadena and she met my 2 year old son. 


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