In Memory

Danny Worthy

Danny Worthy

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06/24/12 05:50 PM #1    

Robbie Grier


Danny Worthy at work in his office in March 2008.

God, family, athletics, fraternity, Eagles – all these things come to mind when one thinks of Danny Joe Worthy.

Worthy, N.C. Central University's assistant athletic director for corporate relations, died Oct. 18, 2011. Worthy — or "Worv" as he was known to his friends — was born Sept. 7, 1954 in Gastonia, N.C.

Worthy arrived at NCCU in August 1972, after graduating from Gastonia Ashbrook High School, to study physical education. He played on the basketball team and in the band, and was a member of Alpha Kappa chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.

"Danny was our leader in the fraternity. He brought his skills from the band to our shows," said Ben Winchester, a 1977 graduate and fraternity brother of Worthy's.

"When Danny heard the word ‘Showtime,' he was ready to sing and step." Former basketball teammate David Fitts, Sr., a 1976 alum, described Worthy as a "friend's friend. He would tell you what you needed to hear, not what you wanted to hear."

Women's basketball coach Joli Robinson described Worthy as someone who was "always willing to help … always talking to students."

As an undergraduate, Worthy was a charter member of the Zeta Sigma chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity Inc., which honored him with a special tribute during the 2011 homecoming halftime show.

After graduation, Worthy worked in marketing and advertising for 27 years with Verizon. In 2006 he returned to NCCU as director of marketing and promotions.

In 2008, he was promoted to assistant athletic director for corporate relations. "Danny was a humble, outgoing person," said Robinson. "You could talk to him about anything. He was a people person who always had the right thing to say."

Marketing senior Blaire Houston, Lady Eagles point guard, described Worthy as "the coolest guy I ever met," adding that "he talked to us a lot about sports, life lessons and careers after we finished school."

Houston said she always sensed Worthy's love for students. "He told me to be more confident, work on my shot and my overall game," she said. Worthy's work at NCCU focused on getting corporate support for athletics.

"We worked together on different projects, bouncing ideas off one another," said LuAnn Edmonds-Harris, assistant athletic director of marketing and promotions, who shared an office with Worthy. "It is a tremendous loss," said Edmonds-Harris.

"His presence and outgoing personality will be missed." Director of athletics Ingrid Wicker-McCree said Worthy was the epitome of a team player.

"Mr. Worthy developed relationships with corporations … because of his involvement and love of students, Mr. Worthy's passionate nature was the way he sold our program. "We will miss him."

Worthy is survived by Gloria, his wife of 17 years, and his children, Rashard, Joshua and Dana.

Joshua, a 2010 graduate, played forward with the Eagles basketball team. Worthy's brother, James, is Hall of Fame forward with Los Angeles Lakers.


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