In Memory

Lena Russell

Lena Russell: Passed on a Thursday night, right before Labor Day 2007. She was 36.

Lena loved unconditionally those she called "friend". Lena was not a "clique" person, an individual indeed. Lena would lie on a train track is she thought it would "bail a friend out". She loved her friends, family, life and oft times 'misbehaving'. Who doesn't? We sure had some good times together; some of them almost punishable by law...good, good times. She dragged me out of my shell; without her, I wouldn't have aquired her energy and unique perspective of our time here on Earth. She was sarcastic, but never malicious; and a damned good person. She laughed with her whole being; that's what made her passion infectious. I love her. I miss her.

She was an integral part of her nieces' and nephews' lives. She was practically a second mother to those tots...who now have children of their own. She was the youngest of her siblings. Her mom is surviving. Call her. Mom's number hasn't changed in over 20 years.

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Cat. Mc.
