Reunion Survey

We look forward to hearing how you have been doing since graduation.  Even if you aren't able to attend, we'd still like to include you in the Reunion Newsletter. 

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Where do you currently live?

2)   * What is your current occupation?

3)   * How did you come to be at your current occupation?

4)   * What is your biggest accomplishment to date, personal or otherwise?

5)   * Did you attend the the 10-year reunion? If not, why?

6)   * How have you changed (other than appearance-ha) since graduation?

7)   * How is your life different now than you thought it would be at this point?

8)   * Would you go back to our school years if you could? Would you do anything different? If so, what/why?

9)   * What's your favorite school memory?

10)   * What was the funniest moment during our school years?

11)   * What is your fondest memory of Globe?

12)   * Who are you most looking forward to seeing at the reunion and why?

13)   * What's the most important thing you want to accomplish before our next reunion?