1st Visit/Background

Welcome to the Oklahoma Panhandle State College website for the Class of 1971 & Friends.

Participation is extended to any attendee from '68-'71 and other friends requested by invitation of registered group members.  We are looking for the entire extended family developed during our college years.

The idea began in recognition that the PSC Class of '71 will have been out of college for 40 years in 2011.  As the research of classmates and 'old' friends unfolded the class distinction began to blur and requests of "Where is____?", "Have you heard from ____?", "What every happened to ____?" took me across all the yearbooks I have in my possession.

If this is your first visit, please join the website by clicking on the tab "Classmate Profiles" below the PSC Logo in the top left corner.  You will be directed to a list of names where you can find your name within.  A click on your name will provide you the opportunity to "JOIN HERE".  If I  failed to get you on the growing list of classmates, just send me an email through the tab "Contact Us" with your year of graduation or attendance and I will remedy that situation promptly.

Spouses who attended PSC as well, should have their own profile.  If they are not on the current list please let me know so that I may add them.  If your household uses only one email address separate passwords can be created associated with the correct classmate. 

If you don't find someone listed that you would like us to find, please let me know so I can load their name in the system.  Once that is done you can invite them to participate by entering their email address.  If you don't have an email address, share with us what you have and we'll help track them down through networking of classmates with whom we're in contact.  This system will work best with the active involvement of everyone.

Please explore the various aspects of the website for interesting information about the group who have joined.  Other features will be turned on as we quickly mature, for instance, it has the capability of quick  surveys (let me know if you have a burning question to ask).  Those who are capable/interested can upload photos to share with the group.  The features are somewhat limited, but if you have suggestions please let me know so I can contact the developer for a possible enhancement.

If we have any expert website designers/administrators out there, please let me know so we can tap into that resource.

I'm looking forward to seeing updates and exchanges (although you can keep them private between close firends if you would like).



John Jefferis

Website Administrator


